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"Si le costume bourgeois," says George Sand, in Le Péché de M. Antoine, "de notre époque est le plus triste, le plus incommode et le plus disgracieux, que la mode ait jamais inventé, c'est surtout au milieu des champs que tous ses inconvénients et toutes ses laideurs révoltent.... Au milieu de ce cadre austère et grandiose, qui transporte l'imagination au temps de la poésie primitive, apparaisse cette mouche parasite, le monsieur aux habits noirs, au menton rasé, aux mains gantées, aux jambes maladroites, et ce roi de la société n'est plus qu'un accident ridicule, une tâche importune dans le tableau.

Nor let any State think they are able to make such sure parties, but rather that they are all doubtfull; for in the order of things we find it alwaies, that whensoever a man seeks to avoid one inconvenient, he incurs another. But the principal point of judgement, is in discerning between the qualities of inconvenients, and not taking the bad for the good.

Poetry, which is spoken thought, or the speech of something deeper than thought, may let loose some part of that answer which would justify the soul, if it did not lie dumb upon its lips. I have been seeing the Sicilian actors in London. They came here from Paris, where, I read, "la passion paraît décidement," to a dramatic critic, "avoir partout ses inconvenients," especially on the stage.

Being threatened, as before, with the consequent "inconvenients," she said "she would advise." Knox himself was present at the Revolution which ensued, but we must now return to his own doings in the autumn and winter of 1558-59. While the inevitable Revolution was impending in Scotland, Knox was living at Geneva.

Notre plus grand desir a tous les deux c'est d'etre ensemble; eh! bien, du moment ou les choses nous seront propices, nous realiserons notre desir, et meme par la volonte nous forcerons les circonstances, c'est-a-dire que nous supporterons des inconvenients pour y arriver. Deja Wallis et Colnaghi consentent a exposer mes ouvrages; mes eaux-fortes sont appreciees.

Therefore they had the less will to fight with him, and said it was more meritoriously done to hang all such as gave counsel to the King to break his promises to the King of England, whereof they perceived great inconvenients to befall.

Finally, he inspired the publication of a short but most important writing, Boncerf's Inconvénients des Droits Féodaux, in which, without criticising the origin of the privileges of the nobles, the author showed how much it would be to the advantage of the lords to accept a commutation of their feudal dues.

Our critics here have for the most part seen fit, like the French critic whom I quoted at the beginning, to qualify their natural admiration by a hesitating consciousness that "la passion paraît decidement avoir partout ses inconvenients." But the critic who sets himself against a magnetic current can do no more than accept the shock which has cast him gently aside. All art is magnetism.