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I'm a boom! Hayrahrooyah! Boomagay! They associated the air and words with the fish, and deep down in their primitive hearts thought it an incantation, such as their tahutahu, the sorcerers of the island, spoke of old. "Tellee haapao maitai! Kelly was a wise man!" they would lament. Every one used a fine casting-net when fishing alone along the shores.

It was just one-thirty by the placid little clock on his mantel. The express was due at three. "Very well," said I, forcing myself to face the inevitable without noise, "you are free. If you must go, you must go." "I've got to go! I've got to go!" He repeated it as one repeats an incantation. "I've got to go!" And he went on methodically assorting and packing.

Again, in the case of another series, the "Shurpu," in part Babylonian, in part bilingual, since the Babylonian section shows the metrical form, it is likely that the ideographic style represents a transliteration of a phonetic, or pure Babylonian, original. The chief value of the incantation texts lies, naturally, in the insight they afford into the popular beliefs.

All the party, says Cellini, were thrown into consternation, except himself, who, though terribly afraid, kept up the fainting spirits of the rest. At last the conjurer summoned courage to inquire when Cellini might hope to be restored to his lost love, Angelica; for this was the trivial object of the incantation. This prophecy, as it happened, was fulfilled.

The beginnings of poetry everywhere, perhaps, belong rather to women than to men; the spell of incantation and the chant for the dead pertain pre-eminently to the former, and not without reason the spirits of song, the Casmenae or Camenae and the Carmentis of Latium, like the Muses of Hellas, were conceived as feminine.

The means employed by them may in general be described as forming the complement to those used by the witches, the reverse side of the picture, only that they were supposed to be effective against sorcerers, witches, and demons alike. Against the incantation formulas of the witches, incantations of superior force were prescribed that might serve to overcome the baneful influence of the former.

His mind is satisfied with that answer; he gets down his Annex and does an incantation or two, and that mesmerizes his spirit and puts that to sleep brings it peace. Peace and comfort and joy, until some inquirer punctures the old sore again.

Censers belched out sweet-smelling, pungent clouds of sandalwood to drown the stench of hot humanity; and the huge graven image of Kharvani serene and smiling and indifferent stared round-eyed from the darkness. Then a priest's voice boomed out in a solemn incantation and the whispering hushed.

And when he thrust the iron into the poisoned water it was turned to hard steel, but the poisons made it forget its oath and grow hard-hearted, and it began to wound men and cause their blood to flow in streams. This was the origin of steel and iron. When Wainamoinen had finished, the old man rose from the hearth and began an incantation to make the wound close up.

The same peculiarity is observable in all experiments with the moving tables or rapping spirits, which are more successful when accompanied by constant music. Circe fascinated with incantation; and the Psalmist alludes to it as a means of charming. Serpents, as well as men, are thus charmed.