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COUNTESS. He will not what he must! ILLO. It lies with you now. Try. For I am silenced When folks begin to talk to me of conscience And of fidelity.

I'll gain for you the generals' word of honor, Even as you wish. WALLENSTEIN. Gain me their signatures! How you come by them that is your concern. ILLO. And if I bring it to you in black on white, That all the leaders who are present here Give themselves up to you, without condition; Say, will you then then will you show yourself In earnest, and with some decisive action Try your fortune.

WALLENSTEIN. He goes to Frauenberg, and will lead hither The Spanish and Italian regiments. ILLO. No! Nay, heaven forbid! WALLENSTEIN. And why should heaven forbid? ILLO. Him! that deceiver! Wouldst thou trust to him The soldiery? Him wilt thou let slip from thee, Now in the very instant that decides us TERZKY. Thou wilt not do this! No! I pray thee, no! WALLENSTEIN. Ye are whimsical.

Now he doth need the faithful eye of friendship, And those whom here I see ILLO. Go seek for traitors In Gallas', in your father's quarters. Here Is only one. Away! away! and free us From his detested sight! Away! MAX. stands irresolute, and in apparent anguish, In the meantime the stage fills more and more; and the horns sound from below louder and louder, and each time after a shorter interval.

If there be any one that wants satisfaction, let him say so, I am his man. TIEFENBACH. Softly, softly? 'Twas but a word or two. Till to-morrow therefore! Subscribe Judas! ISOLANI. Out upon you, Illo! Down with the sword! Take him off to bed! ILLO cursing and raving is held back by some of the officers, and amidst a universal confusion the curtain drops. A Chamber in PICCOLOMINI's Mansion.

But he secretly wrote to the ministry, advising them to refuse his request, as to grant it would give rise to similar demands from others, whose services and claims were equal to his. On Illo's return to the camp, Wallenstein immediately demanded to know the success of his mission; and when informed by Illo of its failure, he broke out into the bitterest complaints against the court.

How free from all foreboding They rush into the outspread net of murder In the blind drunkenness of victory; I have no pity for their fate. This Illo, This overflowing and foolhardy villain, That would fain bathe himself in his emperor's blood. BUTLER. Do as he ordered you.

TIEFENBACH. That's my mark! ISOLANI. He cannot write; but his cross is a good cross, and is honored by Jews as well as Christians. Come, general! let us go. It is late. TERZKY. One Piccolomini only has signed. Look! that is your man, that statue there, who has had neither eye, ear, nor tongue for us the whole evening. To these enter ILLO from the inner room.

She has exhibited some delightful work at Turin and at Rome, such as "The Lute-Player," "All is not Gold that Glitters," "Humanity," and "In illo Tempore?" <b>REINHARDT, SOPHIE.</b> Born at Kirchberg, 1775; died at Karlsruhe, 1843. Pupil of Becker. She travelled in Austro-Hungary and Italy. In the Kunsthalle at Karlsruhe is her picture of "St. Elizabeth and the Child John."