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He went down on all-fours, and in this attitude wormed his way across to the opposite roof, whose occupants, engrossed in the fight in the street, in which the police had now joined, had their backs turned and did not observe him. Mr. Gooch, pallid and obviously ill-attuned to such feats, followed him; and finally Billy Windsor reached the other side. "Neat," said Psmith complacently.

It is a book called 'Napoleon's book of Fate. Would you mind if I ran up to your place and got it?" "There's no one at home," said Mrs. Beale; "wait a bit till I go along to the bakus with the meat, and I'll fetch it along." "You might let me go," said Oswald, whose high spirit is always ill-attuned to waiting a bit. "I wouldn't touch anything else, and I know where you keep the key."

It is ill-attuned to my soul's mood. Self-sacrifice bah! Regard me as a voluptuary. I am that. All my baffled ardour speeds me to the bosom of Death. She is gentle and wanton. She knows I could never have loved her for her own sake. She has no illusions about me. She knows well I come to her because not otherwise may I quench my passion." There was a long silence.

Sally got up, and the next moment Ginger was alone, gaping perplexedly after her as she vanished and reappeared in the jogging throng on the dancing floor. It was the nearest thing Ginger had seen to a conjuring trick, and at that moment he was ill-attuned to conjuring tricks.

Some of the friends of Lord George Bentinck, remembering his inexperience in debate, aware of the great length at which he must necessarily treat the theme, and mindful that he was not physically well-qualified for controlling popular assemblies, not having a strong voice, or, naturally, a very fluent manner, were anxious that he should not postpone his speech until an hour so late; that an audience, jaded by twelve nights' discussion, would be ill-attuned to statistical arguments and economical details.

You will have the goodness to stand in the centre of that form. Gentlemen, select your partners for the Highland schottische!" Mr. Bultitude, by no means sorry to be freed from the irksome necessity of dancing with a heart ill-attuned for enjoyment, got up on the form and stood looking, sullenly enough, upon the proceedings.

"With an astrakhan collar," insisted Sally. "As a matter of fact," said Fillmore loftily, his great soul ill-attuned to this badinage, "what I was really thinking about at the moment was something Ike said." "Ike?" "Ike Schumann. He's on the train. I met him just now." "We call him Ike!" "Of course I call him Ike," said Fillmore heatedly. "Everyone calls him Ike."

There was no doubt about Trent being in. Inspection revealed the fact that the prefect was working and evidently ill-attuned to conversation. He wore a haggard look and his eye, as it caught that of the collector of statements, was dangerous. "Well?" said Trent, scowling murderously. Pillingshot's legs felt perfectly boneless. "Well?" said Trent. Pillingshot yammered. "Well?"

The Scouts had assembled now, and were standing, keen and alert, ready to do Clarence's bidding. Clarence returned their salute moodily. "Scout-master Wagstaff," he said. The Scout-master, the leader of the troop formed by the various patrols, stepped forward. "Let the war-dance commence." Clarence watched the evolutions absently. His heart was ill-attuned to dances.

"Damnation!" he blazed, bringing his clenched hand down upon the table. "One more of your foul jests and he that utters it shall answer to me!" The suddenness of his action and the fierceness of his tone and gesture a fierceness so grotesquely ill-attuned to his slender frame and clerkly attire left the company for a moment speechless with amazement.