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Iglesias. It would be an investment, simply an investment. The play is not finished yet I have been too disheartened and disgusted recently to be able to work at it. But it is great, I tell you, great. When it is done will you give me my chance, and take a theatre for me and finance a couple of matinees?"

Nevertheless Dominic Iglesias received both recognition and greeting, and from these derived inward assurance that all was well that he was justified of his past action, that he had not shirked the possibilities of his life, but sacrificed them to a higher duty than any individual and private one.

The wife was out of the question; while to suppose it Serena approached high treason. Still he was very sure it could not be that most scrupulously courteous personage Dominic Iglesias. There remained himself "Yet I wouldn't knowingly vex a fly," he thought, "and as to vexing Serena! Sometimes ones does wish females were not quite so sensitive."

"Because judging by what you told me the other day, there's no doubt that, under some heads, you are very much of a debutant." "I suppose I am," Iglesias said slowly. It was very strange to him to find himself in so sudden and close an intimacy with this at once so wise and so artificial woman creature. But he had his idea. Moreover, increasingly he trusted her. "Of course you are," she asserted.

Iglesias sat waiting, in the quaint irregularly shaped drawing-room of the old house in Holland Street, himself the centre of that peopled stillness, that alert tranquillity, which so strangely and sensibly filled it. Looking out of the low window, he could see the shadow of the houses shrink and the light broaden in the little garden below, as the sun travelled westward.

Dominic Iglesias moved across and drew down the blinds, catching sight as he did so between the tossing foliage of the balsam-poplars which glistened in the driving wet of the unwinking gaselier in the Lovegroves' dining-room, on the other side of the Green. He remembered that he ought to have called on Mrs.

Then she discovered, with half- humorous annoyance, that she was called upon to get accustomed to something else as well namely, to her memories of the past month since she parted from him. For it was undeniable that the said memories took on a queer enough complexion in the light of this sudden encounter with Dominic Iglesias.

"I am glad," Iglesias said. He felt soberly pleased, thankful almost. Again Poppy glanced at him sideways. "Yes, I believe you are," she said. "And that shows things have happened to you in you, more likely since we last met. You have come on a great piece."

Speaking for myself, I should say that our wood-work was ill done. Iglesias smiled at my axe-handling, and Cancut at his, as chopping we sent chips far and wide. The busy, keen, short strokes of the axe resounded through the forest.

"Dominic," she said breathlessly, "do you at all know that you've just told me means to me?" "I have never known positively until now; but it was impossible that I should not have entertained suspicions." "Did he you know who I mean ever speak of me?" "I think," Iglesias said, "he came very near doing so, more than once. But I put a stop to the conversation." "You frightened him," Poppy rejoined.