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Let's see dinner and the evening five times afternoon calls as many with motor trips to points of interest and one theater party to Los Angeles believe me; it is not often that struggling genius is so rewarded before it has accomplished anything bad enough to merit such attention." "I have been idling most shamefully, haven't I?" said the artist. "Idling!" rasped the other.

Moore like to see me well enough, for I bring down their boy to them; but if I came by myself, I'm afraid they wouldn't care to have an idling, dawdling fellow like me lounging about the place of a Sunday afternoon." "Will you come and try, Mr. Mangan?" said she, quietly. "For Linn's sake alone I know they would be delighted to have you here.

I was content to lie on the bank of the creek, my mind idling with vagaries. Some six weeks passed in this desultory fashion, then Cornstalk and Black Hoof returned to the village with three warriors and a negro woman. The woman had been captured at Sapling Grove within three hundred yards of Captain Evan Shelby's house, the woman told me.

"Well, he has done it now, confound his nerve!" said Anthony Fox, Sr., in a tone of almost triumphant fury. He spread the loosely written sheets of a long letter on the breakfast table. "Here I am, just out of a sick-bed!" he pursued fretfully; "just home from a month's idling abroad, and now I'll have to go away out to California to lick some sense into that young fool!"

He saw the march and countermarch of events in the lives of the people tramping on the sidewalks below his office window, saw in his mind the miners of the Pennsylvania village coming down from the hills to disappear below the ground, looked at the girls hurrying through the swinging doors of department stores in the early morning, wondering which of them would presently sit idling with toothpicks in O'Toole's and waited for the word or the stir on the surface of that sea of humanity that would be a sign to him.

Benbow had been ordered to take a squadron to the West Indies, and there was much eager speculation among us as to the vessels which would have the good fortune to sail with him. I hoped with all my heart that the Falmouth would be one of them, for I was weary of the humdrum life of idling on shore or aimless sailing up and down the channel.

Now every plant we set will help to save us from ruin. Keep at the job. Don't be idling around." In the spring of his second year in Bidwell, Hugh went often in the evening to watch the plant setters at work in the moonlight on the French farm. He did not make his presence known but hid himself in a fence corner behind bushes and watched the workers.

No other obstacles but those which always have existed, and must. When we parted that is, when you left us at Baden, you knew it was for the best. You had your profession to follow, and could not go on idling about about a family of sick people and children. Every man has his profession, and you yours, as you would have it.

Already a crowd was idling, whittling, gossiping in the road, when the Turner cavalcade came in sight and for ten miles up and down the river people were coming in for the trial. "Mornin', gentlemen," said old Joel, gravely. "Mornin'," answered several, among whom was the Squire, who eyed Joel's gun and the guns coming up the road.

Everything was rather small, but everywhere very tidy; nothing out of its place or wasted, and nobody hurrying or idling; all were busy, with a small bustling business, as unlike aggressive English idleness as it was unlike the deceptive, leisurely power of English work. Denah and Anna looked out of either side of the carriage, and pointed out things to Julia and the two little girls.