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The great desideratum of the philological method is a proof that the 'Disease of Language, ex hypothesi the most fertile source of myths, is a vera causa. Max Muller seems to think some proof of this process as a vera causa may be derived from 'Folk Riddles. The Riddle Theory

If he accepts that hypothesis, it destroys his own theory that gender-terminations caused all things to be regarded as personal; for, ex hypothesi, it was just because they were regarded as personal that they received names with gender-terminations. Somewhere I cannot find the reference Mr.

But the savages who ex hypothesi evolved the doctrine of souls lie beyond our ken, far behind the modern savages, among whom we find belief not only in souls and ghosts, but in moral gods. About the psychical condition of the savages who worked out the theory of souls and founded religion we necessarily know nothing.

Let the first periodically recurring substance we will say A be able to recur or reproduce itself, not once only, but many times over, as A1, A2, &c.; let A also have consciousness and a sense of self-interest, which qualities must, ex hypothesi, be reproduced in each one of its offspring; let these get placed in circumstances which differ sufficiently to destroy the cycle in theory without doing so practically that is to say, to reduce the rotation to a spiral, but to a spiral with so little deviation from perfect cycularity as for each revolution to appear practically a cycle, though after many revolutions the deviation becomes perceptible; then some such differentiations of animal and vegetable life as we actually see follow as matters of course.

This is tantamount to proclaiming a form of vassalage a thing which is not to be tolerated. As to the absence of politeness considered as "a means of giving free play to one's feelings," we recognise that in one sense this also is essentially democratic. The democrat is not proud of or pleased with his faults; not at all; only ex hypothesi he does not believe in their existence.

Now, according to the anthropological theory of the origin of religion, it was precisely from the opposite of the scientific belief, it was from the belief that consciousness and will may be exerted apart from, at a distance from, the physical organism, that the savage fallacies began, which ended, ex hypothesi, in monotheism, and in the doctrine of the soul.

To enable a battle-squadron to break our hold and to reinforce the army escort, the invader must either force this covering position by battle, or disturb it so effectively as to permit the reinforcing squadron to evade it. But since ex hypothesi he is trying to invade without securing the command by battle, he will first try to reinforce his transport escort by evasion.

Fetishism would thus be really 'secondary, ex hypothesi, but as we nowhere find Fetishism alone, without the other elements of religion, we cannot say, historically, whether it is secondary or not. Fetishism logically needs, in some of its aspects, the doctrine of spirits, and Theism, in what we take to be its earliest known form, does not logically need the doctrine of spirits as given matter.

But it also involves him in a belief in the rigidity of chemical reactions; and we are entitled to ask for an explanation of the identical behaviour of the chemical reaction in connection with epiblastic and mesoblastic cells both pure chemical compounds ex hypothesi and, as far as we can tell from their normal behaviour, widely differing from one another.

The doctor, himself a missionary, ex hypothesi 'untroubled by difficulties, has just been quoted by Mr. Max Muller, and by myself, as a witness to the difficulties which trouble himself and us. What can Mr. Max Muller possibly mean? Am I wrong? Was Dr. Codrington not a missionary? Mr. Max Muller as Ethnologist