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Try as he would to minimize this exaggerated estimate of his prowess as a horse-tamer Hardy was unable to make his partner admit that he was anything short of a real "buster," and before they had been on the trail an hour Creede had made all the plans for a big gather of wild horses after the round-up.

Gentlemen, 'Sir, we have measured your head, and we have gauged your soul, and we know or believe' for I believe they do not know 'we believe that your principles which you came into Parliament to support your character in the House your self-respect will go for nothing if you have a miserable temptation like this held up before you. Sir, if we could see them taking a course which is said to be taken by the celebrated horse-tamer, who appeals, as I am told, to the nobler and more intelligent instincts of the animal which he tames, then I should not complain.

The heart of the proud, lonely man only sought a place where it might be permitted to soften; the soldier, bereft of love, needed some nook where he could exercise on others what was denied to himself: "devoted affection." Alexander Farnese recognized in Navarrete the horse-tamer of the picadero in Madrid; he nodded approvingly to him, and mounted the bulwark.

I asked, striking a match against the tire of the now stationary buggy- wheel, and lighting the stump of my cigar. "Why, haven't you heard of the famous Professor?" he answered, laughingly immediately adding in a serious tone: "Professor Andrus is the famous 'horse-tamer' who has been driving the country absolutely wild here for two or three days.

"Oh, he is a very famous man at present, and fills a very honourable position. He is engaged as horse-tamer in the Paris Hippodrome, and they say that he is excellent in 'jumping. I have not seen him yet, but I hear he has a good salary, and is a general favourite. He is very much praised and admired by those who have seen him.

The captain of the English brig, not knowing what to do with him, gave him to Arellanos who chanced to be in Guaymas at the time and Arellanos brought him up and has made a man of him my faith! that he has. Young as the fellow is, there is not such a rastreador nor horse-tamer in the province."

Lucero was a domador, or horse-tamer, and the beast he rode was quite unbroken and vicious as it could be.

There's the clowns, the sawdust, the white horse that dances a hornpipe, the candles stuck in hoops, just as in our own dear country. The horse-tamer, to music twenty miles an hour, rushed in on four of his horses, leading the other four, and skurried round the ring. You couldn't see him for the sawdust, but everybody was delighted, and applauded like mad.

And among many great companies of monks, there may have been one individual, as there is, for instance, in many a country parish a bee-taker or a horse-tamer, of quiet temper and strong nerve, and quick and sympathetic intellect, whose power over animals is so extraordinary, as to be attributed by the superstitious and uneducated to some hereditary secret, or some fairy gift.

It was not long after the advent of the famous horse-tamer John S. Rarey, of whom she had been a pupil in America when he first came out.