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Both were resorted to in the delusive hope that they would restore public credit and afford relief to the Government and to the business of the country.

They recognize that the fruit of life is experience, and not happiness; they become accustomed and content to exchange hope for insight; and, in the end, they can say, with Petrarch, that all they care for is to learn:

I had a dawn of hope that my brother might regain once more a little strength, for I have a memorandum in my almanac of his walking with a firmer step than usual above three or four times the distance from the dwelling-house to the library, in order to gather and eat raspberries, in his garden, with me. But I never saw the like again.

His hands moved skilfully, with infinite precision, cutting to the infinitesimal fraction of an inch. Afterward, when Mother Bab had been taken away, he sought Phœbe. "I hope," he said, "that your faith was not unwarranted, though I can't promise anything yet." "Oh, I'm surer now than ever!" the girl said happily. But at times, in the days of waiting, her heart ached.

They would prolong the sacrifice in the hope that aid from Rome might come in time. Composing their countenances so that none should divine their despair, the Elders walked out of the temple. Swiftly the news flashed through the city. The legates had proceeded to Carthage to waste no time in the camp; there they would demand the punishment of Hannibal.

Markham is at liberty to make such revelations concerning me as he judges necessary. He will know that I should wish but little to be said on the subject. I hope he is well; but tell him he must not think of me.’ I can give you a few extracts from the rest of the letter, for I was permitted to keep this alsoperhaps, as an antidote to all pernicious hopes and fancies.

Bless me, if I don't hear his lordship's voice! He ain't never come so early! 'Yes, he is, said Charlotte, recovering from her sobs; 'he rode up as I came in. 'Well, to be sure, he is come to breakfast! I hope nothin's amiss with my young Lord! I must run up with a cup and plate, and you, make the place tidy, in case Mr. Poynings comes in.

With him disappeared any remaining hope of the French party. "We may say of old Catholic Scotland", writes Mr. Lang, "as said the dying Cardinal: 'Fie, all is gone'." Though Beaton was dead, the effects of his work remained.

"Hardly," was the reply: "certainly none for the worse." "Will she get over it, do you think?" The father's tones were unsteady as he asked the question. "My dear captain, it is impossible to tell yet," Arthur said feelingly; "but we must try to hope for the best." Their hands met in a warm clasp. "I shall certainly do so," the captain said.

"And leave your side?" replied the great man in manner most avuncular and with little reassuring pats upon the lady's hand. "No, indeed. I am going to remain with you and watch Rissaldar-Major Shere Singh ride him for me. Finest horseman in India. Good as myself. Yes, I hope the Judges for Class XIX know their business. I imported that horse from Home and he cost me over six thousand rupees."