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Then while the two boats bumped and struggled to turn their free ends into the current, the other Indians, with the skill of long experience, swiftly transferred hawsers from the free ends of the scows to other trees. "Whew!" shouted Paul, after the first excitement was over. "Whatever we're going to do, I hope'll be short and sweet," and he waved his arms violently about his head.

Hope'll think it's the day of judgment, sure he-he! Reckon I might's well git in on the fun they won't be no sleepin' within ten mile of the place, nohow, and a feller always sees the joke better when he's lendin' a hand. Too bad you an' Fred's on the outs, Kenneth." "Oh, I don't know it suits me fine," Kent declared easily, setting down his glass with a sigh of relief; he hated "pop."

When you come to be your own master again which I hope'll be soon then I'll smoke it with you with pleasure; they'll keep it for you very careful, you may depend upon it, and baccar is a thing as don't spoil. That's a pretty bit of jewelry now that is." Mr.

After all my castle building what was I come to? I heard my door open presently, and then I lifted my head. Uncle Eb stood near me in his stocking feet and shirt-sleeves. 'In trouble, he whispered. 'In trouble, I said. ''Bout Hope? 'It's about Hope. 'Don't be hasty. Hope'll never go back on you, he whispered. 'She doesn't love me, I said impulsively.

That's what I hope'll fall out; an' I want to see Miller theer, tu, after he've found I'm right and he'm wrong." But the event proved that, even in his new capacity as a man of money and a landholder, Will was not to win much ground with Mr. Lyddon.

"I can ony venture what I hope'll be a 'word in season' noo and then, as the Maister gies me a chance," she would say to her husband. Though she did not know it, she had spread before Edith a Gospel feast, and her genuine, hearty sympathy was teaching more than eloquent sermons could have done, and already the grateful girl was questioning: "What makes these people differ so from others?"