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I wouldn't mind half so much about the other sneaky things he does; if it wasn't for the way he treats Laddie. "Suppose we send Lad to the boarding kennels, at Ridgewood, till the brat is gone?" suggested the Master. "I hate to do it. And the good old chap will be blue with homesickness there. But at least he'll get kind treatment.

Homesickness was a luxury I remember craving from the tenderest age a luxury of which I was unnaturally, or at least prosaically, deprived.

And off he ran. Matilda was disappointed; she was very fond of him, and she thought he might have liked better to stay with her this first evening. A little creeping feeling of homesickness came over her; not for any place that was once called home, but for the clinging affection of more hands and voices than one. "He's a boy, dear," said Mrs. Laval, noticing her look.

Work was to commence at once and possession given us in April, 1879. Not wishing to spend another winter where we were, we returned to Brooklyn and remained with my parents until the new house was completed. When we commenced our packing preparatory to leaving the little farm, as we called it, there was a feeling akin to homesickness.

When neither could bear it any longer they were forced to discuss the matter and admit they were growing ill with pure homesickness. They decided to keep the city house during the summer, but to return to the farm to live as soon as school closed. So Mrs.

Homesickness was not the cause, but just this, that even homesickness had passed into resignation. The whole world began now and ended for Skavinski on his island. He had grown accustomed to the thought that he would not leave the tower till his death, and he simply forgot that there was anything else besides it.

It exists in him, too, adds Madame Sand, in the form of that nostalgia, that homesickness, which forever pursues the genuine French peasant if you transplant him. The peasant has here, then, the elements of the poetic sense, and of its high and pure satisfactions.

Never having been over the trail before, and not even knowing that it was possible to hear from home, I wasn't expecting any letter; but I felt a little twinge of homesickness that night when Honeyman read us certain portions of his letter, which was from his sister.

When I thought about Krebs at all, and this was seldom indeed, his manifest happiness puzzled me. Our cool politeness did not seem to bother him in the least; on the contrary, I got the impression that it amused him. He seemed to have made no friends. And after that first evening, memorable for its homesickness, he never ventured to repeat his visit to us.

Thus began my acquaintance with Minnie Plympton an acquaintance which, ripening later into a warm friendship, was to have an incalculable influence upon my life. When I woke up the next morning it was to find a weight of homesickness lying heavy upon my heart homesickness for something which, alas! no longer existed save in memory.