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Hodgson, "Bengal As. Soc. The abundance of animal life was wonderful, compared with the want of it on the south side of Donkia pass, not five miles distant in a straight line! it is partly due to the profusion of carbonate of soda, of which all ruminants are fond, and partly to the dryness of the climate, which is favourable to all burrowing quadrupeds.

Pemberton Hodgson penetrated, when he afterwards followed my tracks, to ascertain the truth of the rumours, which had been carried by the blacks to Moreton Bay, of my having been either killed by the natives, or destroyed by a hurricane, which was said to have passed through the narrow valley of the confined creek.

On May 29th, Hodgson writes me as follows, showing that the same thing had come up through the heteromatic writing of A.'s wife at Granada in Spain, and meant nothing to her or to A. You may be interested in the inclosed. I am writing from my den, and haven't copy of your sitting at hand. But I remember that something was said at your sitting re B. and A. "GRANADA, May 6, 1894.

You sit here reading up all that ancient lore about the cestus, and you could tell me the names of all Nero's gladiators, and yet here at this establishment we've got a gladiator who is going to make history, and you don't know it." "I thought you were the only fellow who could show Hodgson anything." "No," said Phil. "I never was as good as Hodgson.

Corker, as usual, went straight to the mark, whilst the entire mass of fellows kept a death-like silence. "The result of the examination for the Perry Exhibition is as follows: 1st. Arthur Raven, 672 marks. 2nd. Theodore Hodgson, 591 marks. 3rd. Augustus Vernon Robert Todd, 114 marks." Then out broke the usual uproar, "shivering the silence," as some one says, "into clamour."

He seems to have been detained here about a week, during which time he made characteristic observations and embodied them in a letter to his friend Hodgson. With some sportive malice there was evidently a spice of truth in his remarks. He tells his friend that Falmouth "is defended on the sea side by two castles, St.

Do you sit here day after day and call each other pretty names? Really it's very charming in its way. I never knew such an obstinate case. Monica, my black-eyed beauty, change your frock, and come with me to look up the Hodgson Bulls. They're quite too awful; I can't face them alone; but I'm bound to keep in with them. Be off, and let me pitch into your young man for daring to refuse my dinner.

"Confound it all, Lydia!" He came sullenly back towards the window. "You've said that before. The man's gone, unless Hodgson can overtake him which I doubt. He rides sixteen stone if an ounce, and the mare's used to something under eleven. So give over, my boy, and come in and tell me what it's all about."

They were immediately placed in a carriage which had been brought for the purpose, a guard was placed over them, and ordered to proceed slowly toward the city. Then Hodgson, accompanied by the Warreners, entered the inclosure which surrounded the tomb. Here from five to six thousand of the refuse of the city, many of them armed, were assembled.

But Joe said, "If that's Colonel Lajos Arpád, I suggest you have him in. I took the liberty of phoning him and asking that he meet us here." Frank Hodgson was the first to recover. "Arpád! That spy! I've just about gathered enough dope on him to have him declared persona non grata and ship him back to Budapest." "As I was shipped back to Greater Washington," Joe said dryly.