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There came a rumble of thunder, so remote that it seemed like an echo, but to the ears of Andrews' men it was a sharp reminder of the troubles that might lay ahead of them. "Hm-m-m! Perhaps you were right, Brown," said Andrews. Thunder sounded again, this time nearer. "Let's count heads," said Andrews. "Get in a semi-circle, just as close together as possible."

"Frank," said he at length, "where does this Chicken Liver nigger go while the race is being run?" "Across the track to the infield. That was where he went yesterday. I was watching him." "The infield.... Hm-m-m.... Thank you, Frank." "You could tip it off to the judges," suggested the Kid, "and they'd have Chicken Liver searched. Like as not they'd rule Weaver off for life and set Murphy down "

He drew his finger across his throat, and nodded, and went cheerfully out the crew's landing-door in the very base of the ship. He went across the tarmac and out between two of the gigantic steel arches of the grid. He hired a ground vehicle. "Where?" asked the driver. "Hm-m-m," said Hoddan. "There's a firm of lawyers.... I can't remember the name " "There's millions of 'em," said the driver.

"Hm-m-m," said Sean O'Donohue. "That's better. The Dail's not immune to blarney when it's needful to accept it and Eire back on Earth is hard put for breathin' room you say can be had from now on. What would be the reason for Moira standin' so close to you?" "She's marryin' me," said President O'Hanrahan firmly. Sean O'Donohue's voice was waspish. "But I forbid it!" it said sharply.

"Hm-m-m!" she said piteously, and laughed in her sleeve.

I have all this time to myself between now and the evening performance. Why waste it sitting around with the dog and trapeze acts?" "Where do you live?" "West Forty-fourth Street, near Eighth." "Where?" "West Forty-fourth Street." "Hm-m-m!" he said, with a new easiness of manner that alarmed her. "Selfish little girl. All this time to yourself." "You would be surprised how it flies."

"Hm-m-m," Joe murmured. "And all the other cliches taught to us to preserve the status quo, our People's Capitalism." They were reaching the outskirts of town, crossing the Esopus. The airport lay only a mile or so beyond. It was obviously too deep for Max, and since he didn't understand, he assumed his superior didn't know what he was talking about.

"Can you make it out?" asked Bertram. "Hm-m-m. Well the general sense. Livius seems to yearn in modern print for any honest employment, but especially scrapping of the ancient variety or secretarying. Apply to Agrippa for references. Since he describes his conversation as being confined to Latin, I take it he won't find many jobs reaching out eagerly for him.

The Plumie pressed a stud and it was blank again. He sketched and offered it once more. "Hm-m-m," said the skipper. "You can't use your drive while we're glued together, eh? Well?" The Plumie reached up and added lines to the drawing. "So!" rumbled the skipper, inspecting the additions. "You say it's up to us to use our drive for both ships." He growled approvingly: "You consider there's a truce.

"Hm-m-m!" grunted the Judge, "must have whipped you around some in that current!" "Once it whirled me right over, and I thought my wrists would break before I could get another grip. They were trying to pull me aboard, but every time they came to help me the raft tilted so that they had to crawl back."