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Chiefly remarks on the government and political situation of the various states of Italy, with anecdotes and facts relating to these topics; expressed with an open and unshrinking boldness, not to have been expected from one who was the historiographer of France at the period when Duclos travelled, 1766-7. Lettres Historiques et Antiques de Charles de Brosses. Paris, 1799. 3 vols. 8vo.

Or, to employ language which, though inappropriate, as we shall endeavour to show, is in more common use: what, in addition to the knowledge of repertories, are the "auxiliary sciences" of history? Daunou, in his Cours d'études historiques, has proposed a question of the same kind.

Amelot de la Houssaic, who was extremely conversant in modern history, has, in the 1st. tome of his 'Mémoires Historiques Politiques et Littéraires, from p. 156 to 193, treated of Charles V., I shall add that book to my parcel. "Varillas's 'Life of Henry II. of France' should be looked into, though that historian has not at present much reputation for exactness and veracity. "Dr.

At p. 435, I find "Luc, ou Fauteur quel qu'il soit du troisième Évangile"; at p. 280, the accounts of the Passion, the death and the resurrection of Jesus, are said to be "peu historiques"; at p. 283, "La valeur historique du troisième Évangile est sûrement moindre que celles des deux premiers." A Pyrrhic sort of victory for orthodoxy, this "surrender"!

The town possesses learned societies, and a member of its archaeological association has published a book of great local interest and value, viz: "Nemours, Temps Geologiques, Temps Prehistoriques, Temps Historiques, par E. Doigneau, Membre de la Societe Archeologique de Seine-et-Marne, Ancien Vice President de la section de Fontainebleau, Paris."

It bore the title 'Recherches historiques et critiques sur l'Homme au Masque de Fer, d'ou resultent des Notions certaines sur ce prisonnier'. These researches brought to light a secret correspondence relative to certain negotiations and intrigues, and to the abduction of a secretary of the Duke of Mantua whose name was Matthioli, and not Girolamo Magni.

The investigations of M. J. A. Le Roi, given in his interesting work, "Curiosites Historiques sur Louis XIII., Louis XIV., Louis XV.," etc., Paris, Plon, 1864, have thrown fresh light upon the matter. Most of the girls left it only when about to be confined, and it sometimes stood vacant for five or six months.

I opened all the drawers and handed him all the keys; I gave them myself, I gave him all. J'etais digne et calme. From the books he took the foreign edition of Herzen, the bound volume of The Sell, four copies of my poem, et enfin tout fa. Then he took my letters and my papers et quelques-unes de mes ebauches historiques, critiques et politiques. All that they carried off.

Beyond a certain grimness of fabric the church fails, not a little, to impress one with even simple grandeur, even when one takes into consideration the charms of its florid but firmly designed cloister, which, with the church itself, is classed by the Département des Beaux Arts as one of the twenty-three hundred "Monumentes Historiques."

Sciout: Le Directoire, also article in Revue des questions historiques, 1886. Boulay de la Meurthe: Quelques lettres de Marie Caroline; Revue d'histoire diplomatique, 1888. Barante: Histoire du Directoire and Souvenirs. McClellan: The Oligarchy of Venice. Bonnal: Chute d'une république. Seché: Les origines du Concordat. Dandolo: La caduta della republica di Venetia.