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Yet I felt hopelessly and helplessly alone under the cruel stare of those eyes. It seemed as if he and I were the only beings in the whole world, and there was none to help, none to rescue. In the voiceless depths of my spirit I cried, "O God!" He sank down on the seat beside me, with an air of exhaustion, yet with a low, fiendish laugh which sounded hideously loud in my ears.

I stood, of course, in a hideously false position, and that he very soon began to divine; he would not hear of my getting a fly at that hour of the night, but insisted on driving me in his trap to wherever I wished to go.

"How do you mean better if that would be good enough? And I have myself so little money; why should I look for a fortune?" "Your having so little is a reason for looking for more." With which Isabel was grateful for the dimness of the room; she felt as if her face were hideously insincere. It was what she was doing for Osmond; it was what one had to do for Osmond!

Surely it must be in the office? By which she meant the small and hideously untidy room on the ground floor into which masses of papers of all dates, still unsorted, had been carted down from London. 'It isn't in the office! He was, she saw, on the brink of an outburst. 'I put it somewhere in this room my own self!

So he sat, a monstrous figure, with his great paunch filling his white shirt like a concealed balloon, with his hideously hairy arms naked halfway, and his thick hands purple beneath the weight of his amorphously fat face, his little reptilian eyes staring at the opposite wall. He was at his wits' end. He was not making good at his business, and he knew it. What was worse, everybody else knew it.

"He lay on his back, his arms were stretched abroad, his jacket and heavy overcoat were open; the light shone hideously on his white face and his shirt-front; it glistened on his bared teeth and one of the eyes. The other ... you saw it. The man was certainly dead.

The only disagreeable objects in the landscape were the alligators, which hideously ugly creatures were seen, covered with mud, crawling along the banks and over slimy places, with a sluggish motion of their bodies and an antediluvian sort of glare in their eyes that was peculiarly disgusting. They were found to be comparatively harmless, however.

I should not, perhaps, have made the remark. Sickness, however, interests me very much. I have the misfortune not to be strong myself, and my own ailments occupy a good deal of my attention." She looked at him curiously. "You suffer from nerves, don't you?" she enquired. "Hideously," he assented.

Why, ain't he a bosker!" he enthusiastically exclaimed, as the hideously unprepossessing little mongrel stood on his hind legs and yelped in excited begging. "Hullo, Andrew! Don't bust! Who's that you had with you? Rather an old piece!" "Yes," said Andrew. "Her hair is a little white, but she ain't sour and stuck up." "A chance for you to hang your hat up, Jake," said Larry. "No, thanks!

"You are hideously logical," he grumbled. They were walking slower now, within a few yards of the entrance to her flat. Both of them were a little disturbed, she, full as she was with all the generous impulses of sensuous humanity, intensely awakened, intensely sympathetic. "Tell me, where is your wife?" she asked. "In America." "It is hopeless with her?" "Utterly and irretrievably hopeless."