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What about Rosie and good looking Bella and her brother she was trying to rescue from the grip of the poolroom? MameMame and her kaleidoscope romances, insults, and adventures? I just hate walking off and leaving it all. And the boss and Miss Hibber so nice to me about everything. Before a week is gone Minnie will be telling in an awed voice that she knows what happened.

Thompson, and advising and exhorting all the rebel soldiers in Canada, and the refugees from the Northern States, to take an active part in the different schemes there on foot, to harass the northern border of the United States. The most prominent of this class were George N. Sanders, C.C. Clay, formerly Representative in the United States Congress from Alabama, Col. Steele and Daniel Hibber.

When ya come to, goodness knows where you'll be.” I began to feel a little as if I'd posed as too innocent. “You see, out West—” I began. “My Gawd!”—Minnie waved a hand scornfully—“don't be tryin' to tell me all men are angels out West.” Just then Miss Hibber poked her head in and we suddenly took ourselves out. “You go easy, now,” Minnie whispered after me.

He jerked his head and thumb toward the elevator. “Come on, I'll give ya a lift up!” and when we reached our floor, though it was the men's side, “Third Avenue stop!” he called out cheerily, and grinned at the world. He had been there for years. The boss on our floor had been there for yearsforty-three, to be exact. Miss Hibber would not tell how many years she had worked there, nor would Tillie.

And I've just walked off and left Mame. Kicked the foot press 7,149 times by the meter to-day and expected to die of weariness. Thumped, thumped, thumped without stopping. As with candy, I got excited about going on piecework. Asked Miss Hibber what the rates were for my jobfour and a half cents for one hundred and fifty.

Miss Hibber went by and I asked her what piece rates for that machine were. She said six and one-quarter cents for one hundred and fifty. I did not stop then to do any figuring. Told her rather chestily I could kick 2,000 times an hour. “That all? You ought to do much more than that!” Between 11 and 12 I worked as I had never worked.

It's awful what I gotta put up with. I never says nothin' to her. But any girl's a fool 'l talk to a person that way. Gee! I was mad!” Louisa returned and Miss Hibber moved on. “Some fright, that forelady,” remarked Louisa. That night Louisa departed for good. The second day I kicked over six thousand times. It seemed a lot when you think of the hard stool.