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He came from Heinz Schorlin, and reminded Siebenburg of his by no means inconsiderable debt; but the latter begged him to have patience a little longer, as he had met with heavy losses at the gaming table the night before, and Ploss agreed to wait till St. How many besides the tailor had large demands! and when could Seitz begin to cancel his debts?

She checked her Arabian, dismounted, and graciously inspected the new house of God, the pride of the congregation. On the way home, just beyond the village, her horse again shied. The animal had been startled by an old Minorite monk who sat under a crab apple tree. It was Father Benedictus, who had set out early to anticipate Heinz and surprise him in his night quarters by his presence.

Clare, seemed the man to bring the fulfilment of this old and cherished wish. It appeared like a leading of the saints and a sign from God that Heinz had been dubbed a knight, and commenced his glorious career at Lausanne while the Emperor Rudolph pledged himself to a new crusade.

"Son! son!" interrupted the monk again, this time raising his hands imploringly; but Heinz, paying no heed, exclaimed hoarsely: "Where did you get this news?" "From our Berne countryman at the fortress," replied the servant eagerly; "Brandenstein, Schweppermann, and Heidenab brought the tidings.

"I know it," said Eva with apparent composure, "and your Biberli has commissioned you to bear me the respectful greeting of Sir Heinz Schorlin." The girl looked at her young mistress in surprise.

"I thought so!" exclaimed the sovereign with out letting him finish; "for a young knight who like a great lord, bestows a fine estate upon the pious Franciscans, certainly need only command his treasurer to open the strong box " "You are mocking me, Your Majesty," Heinz quietly interposed. "You are doubtless well aware whence the golden curse came to me.

However earnest might be his intention after the miracle which seemed to have been wrought specially for him of renouncing the world, sooner or later the time must come when Heinz would long to return to it and the profession of arms, for which he was born and reared.

"What if your young lord could not forswear himself that my name is Theurdank! Are you foes to all the world save Theurdank?" "No masking," said Heinz, sternly. "Tell your true name as an honest man, and we will judge whether you be friend or foe."

If Heaven would really suffer our Heinz to win the heart of this rare creature " "Every fibre of it is his already," interrupted Biberli. "The rub pardon me, noble lady! is somewhere else. Whether he whether Heinz can be induced to renounce the thought of the monastery, is the question."

But there were no more adversaries to take on. Heinz and Klatz had thrown down their rifles and with hands above their heads were crying "Kamerad! Kamerad!" at the tops of their voices. Von Schoenvorts still lay where he had fallen. Plesser and Hindle were explaining to Bradley that they were glad of the outcome of the fight, as they could no longer endure the brutality of the U-boat commander.