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About the beginning of 1853 he took a house in Westbourne Terrace, which became his headquarters. In 1855 he accepted a professorship at Haileybury, which was then doomed to extinction, only to hold it during the last three years of the existence of the college. These lectures sufficiently occupied his strength, and he performed them to the best of his ability.

Anderson and staff were worn out and hungry. They hunted their Headquarters, but Headquarters were not there. Old Ham was nowhere to be found, and no provision had been made for anything to eat. Gen. Anderson was greatly annoyed, but thought perhaps there was some excuse for it, as most of the men seemed to get lost during the day. "Capt.

Although the speakers travelled to remote districts up to the night before election in November, the instructions from headquarters were to have loose ends gathered up by the opening of the State Fair September 25, at Helena. Headquarters were maintained a week at the fair and in the city and each day The Suffrage Daily was issued. The editors were Mrs. L. O. Edmunds, Miss O'Neill, Mrs.

So he did considerable experimenting with it while he waited for Gess Fayle to show up and League Headquarters fidgeted around, hoping to get the kind of report from Mantelish and Fayle that Mantelish thought they'd already received. They were wondering where Fayle was, too. But they knew Fayle was Security, so they didn't like to get too nosy." Trigger shook her head. "Wonderful!

I, for one, felt much safer. The town was very much excited over the epidemic at the hall, and if I had been wondering why Craig wanted me along my wonder was soon set at rest. He had me scouring the town and country looking up every case or rumour of typhoid for miles around. I made the local weekly paper my headquarters, and the editor was very obliging.

It was this same officer who explained that he approached his headquarters "by rushes," upon his arrival, for fear the enemy would see him and consider this reinforcement a violation of the truce. These are two examples of some of the able assistants from civil life who were sent to help feed, clothe, and transport the 5th Corps.

The result was that Battalion Headquarters found themselves on H.M.T. Osmanieh with about eleven hundred men of the Royal Naval Division. The rest of the Battalion, which was only about 258 strong, was scattered over other ships, but very relieved to find themselves where they were with a feeling of great safety, although in reality the danger from enemy submarines was considerable.

"'A man that would eat them things, says Denver, getting a little mad, 'ought to have his vote challenged. "In a few more days the campaign managers from the other towns came sliding into Esperitu. Our headquarters was a busy place.

For about two hours the contending lines struggled with each other along Tom's Brook, the charges and counter charges at many points being plainly visible from the summit of Round Top, where I had my headquarters for the time. The open country permitting a sabre fight, both sides seemed bent on using that arm.

These unions, then, formed by the principle which I have mentioned, established their headquarters originally in certain central positions, for the convenience of the whole population; and having fortified them by natural and artificial means, they called this collection of houses a city or town, distinguished by temples and public squares.