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I know all about it, Pinney, so you might as well save time, on that point, if time's an object with you. They don't seem to know anything here; but the consensus in Hatboro' is that he was running away." "The what is?" asked Pinney. "The consensus." "Anything like the United States Census?" "It isn't spelt like it." Pinney made a note of it. "I'll get a head-line out of that.

Spence repeated, removing his eye-glass and swinging it thoughtfully on his finger. Yes: I don't know that I could put it better than that. To leave the world better than I found it. It wouldn't be a bad idea to use that as a head-line. 'Wants to leave the world better than he found it. It's exactly the point I should like to make in this talk about the College." Mr.

He glanced through the window at the quiet landscape, lying green and sun-dappled against the wet, gray streak of summer sky. Was his own experience so universal? Were kingdoms perpetually round the corner, always and always out of sight? As he again took up the paper, his eye was caught by a head-line: STEELY JACK RUNS FOR PARLIAMENT. Immediately he forgot his pessimism and became absorbed.

At that flicker her eyelids opened. She leaned forward. Under the brush-wood, already writhing in flames, was the fragment of a modern Italian newspaper. One plainly saw the title, part of a head-line, and the date. Fiammetta di Foscone read the date. As Antonio and I, between us, lifted her into a chair, she kept repeating to herself, in a soft, incredulous voice, the date.

The road-mending season is in full swing now, but no amount of road-mending could account for such a comprehensive compass as we were fetching. For a moment I thought that the revolution had begun. "'Busful of Bourgeoisie Kidnapped" would make a good head-line for the papers. Or perhaps it was merely a private enterprise.

Well, there's some interest in that, just now, on account of this talk about the decay of our shipbuilding interests. Anything on that point?" "That's the very point I touch on first," said Bartley. The editor stopped turning over his manuscript. "Let's see," he said, holding out his hand for Bartley's article. He looked at the first head-line, "What I Know about Logging," and smiled.

He was surprised to find that most of those he met, whom Brennan described as the "head-line boys," shared Brennan's skeptical viewpoint, rejoicing as he did when their doubts were overcome and their faith in their fellow men re-established. These men differed on the question of Gibson's sincerity in his "clean up" crusade.

This one is dated" She leaned forward, and her eye caught a word in a head-line. "The Klondike," she read. "There's something in it about the Klondike." He put his hand out and drew the papers away. "Don't you read that," he said. "I don't want you to go to bed and dream about the Klondike. You've got to dream about the flat in Harlem." "Yes," she answered. "I mustn't think about sad things.

Why should the editor dwell at such length and with so prodigal a display of black head-line type upon this one bungled job when every other job of all the jobs that had gone before, had been successful in every detail? Let's see, now, how many men had he hanged with precision and with speed and with never an accident to mar the proceedings?

"They sold me out!" repeated Bates, and struck the table in front of him. "Cut out the story, by God! Did me out of my scoop! "Look at that, sir," he added, and shoved toward Montague a double column of newspaper proofs, with a huge head-line, "Gotham Trust Company to be Wrecked," and the words scrawled across in blue pencil, "Killed by orders from the office."