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While the body of the army lay before Tyre, he made an excursion against the Arabians who inhabit the Mount Antilibanus, in which he hazarded his life extremely to bring off his master Lysimachus, who would needs go along with him, declaring he was neither older nor inferior in courage to Phoenix, Achilles's guardian.

Oxley seems to have been particularly unhappy in his deductions, every guess hazarded by him as to the future utility of the country he passed over, or the probable nature of the farther interior, was incorrect; and now the Macquarie was to refuse to bear his boat's keel to the westward; after the same manner as the Lachlan.

He doesn't understand being refused anything. I suppose he never has been before in his life." "Weren't you, perhaps, a little bit short?" he hazarded; and she considered the possibility. "No, I don't think so. I wasn't more abrupt than he was after a year." She paused. "He threw out her death Mrs.

But those who have hazarded such a reproach do not consider that, at the period when this cabinet was formed, it was not useless, in order to bring the sciences into fashion, to surround them with the show of luxury and the elegance of accessory decoration.

"What! brave this storm in a wretched seal-skin cockle-shell like that?" "Would it not be offending Providence," hazarded Mary Wolston, "for one of God's creatures to abandon himself to certain death?" "It would, indeed," added Mrs. Wolston; "true courage consists in facing danger when it is inevitable, but not in uselessly imperiling one's life; there stops courage, and temerity begins."

"The whole County knows," she returned in the egotism of youthful misery. Her voice, too, was like Lettice's sweet with the premonition of the querulous note that, Rutherford Berry had once said, distinguished all good women. A sudden intuition directed his gaze upon the Courthouse lawn. "They're selling you out," he hazarded, "for debt." She nodded, with trembling lips.

"If you were my boy," he said shortly, as he put his forefinger and thumb into his waistcoat pocket and extracted a time-stained lucifer, "do you know what I'd do to you?" "Stop me smoking?" hazarded Henry cheerfully. "I would that," said the other, turning to go. "How old were you when you started smoking?" asked the boy.

In fact, that unfortunate party at Mrs. Bryanstone's had been a sacrifice of the high esteem in which she had once been held. Emma, with the harshness of youthful judgments, could not overlook the folly that had hazarded so much for the sake of gaiety; and was the more pained because of the enthusiasm she had once felt for her, when she had believed her superior to all the world.

"Glad I ain't down there in the Pit." But, at last, a group of policemen appeared. By main strength they shouldered their way to the top of the stairs, and then began pushing the crowd back. At every instant they shouted: "Move on now, clear the stairway. No seats left!" She even hazarded a little deception: "I have a pass. Will you let me through, please?" Luckily one of the officers heard her.

After this, through the increase of the stem and branches of the parasite, the supporting plant becomes interlaced on every side, and, if it does not die from the embraces of its enemy, its existence is notably hazarded.