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Can't a man look twice at some other woman without your saying: 'Oh! I want you to understand that this Mrs. Hardesty is just as good as you are. And what's more, by grab, she's got stock in our Company and we ought to be treating her nice. Yes, she bought it from Stoddard; and if I could just pull her over

About that, at least, she had always been reasonable; but now she was capable of anything. It would not surprise him to get a telegram from Stoddard that he was coming out to take over the control; nor to discover later, across the directors' table, Mary Fortune sitting grimly by. He knew her too well! If she once got started! But he passed it was up to Mrs. Hardesty.

Master of men he was, and king of finance he might be, but woman was still his bane. He looked at it again by the cold light of day and that night he appealed to Mrs. Hardesty. She was a woman herself, and wise in the ways of jealousy, intrigue and love. A single word from her and this impenetrable mystery might be cleared up like mist before the sun.

Hardesty appeared frequently in the Waldorf lobby, and when Rimrock came in with any of his friends he was expected to introduce them. And Rimrock's friends in that swarming hotel were as numerous as they were in Gunsight. He expected no less, wherever he went, than the friendship of every man; and if any held back, for any reason, he marked him as quickly for an enemy.

In place of his black sombrero and the high-heeled boots that had given him his entree in New York he appeared one evening in a top hat and dress suit, with diamonds glittering down the front of his shirt. It was a new plunge for him, but Buckbee supplied the tailor and Mrs. Hardesty launched his debut. She had almost adopted him, this baffling, "free" woman, and yet she still had her reserves.

I never saw the man yet that I couldn't get away with give me time, and room according to my strength but I've had a girl working for me, she's the secretary of our company, and she fools me every time." Mrs. Hardesty laughed it was soft, woman's laughter as if she enjoyed this joke on mere man and even when Rimrock explained the dangerous side of his predicament she refused to take it seriously.

But the thing that maddened him most, and against which there was no known defense, was her subtle implication that Mrs. Hardesty was at the bottom of his plan to go East. And so, with the fury still hot in his brain, he made poor company on the road to the Tecolote. Since Mrs.

She didn't want me to do it from the sanitarium because the patients might have heard it and become too much excited." "I see. Where's Miss Hardesty now?" "This is her night on duty at the sanitarium." "I see. Well, she'll have to testify at the inquest tomorrow. You might tell her that. Never mind, though. The police will notify her."

But if the people, through what they had read, decided that the stock was bad; then there was a panic that nothing could stop and the big interests snapped up the spoils. So much Rimrock learned from Buckbee, and Mrs. Hardesty told him the rest. It was her judgment, really, that he came to rely upon; though Buckbee was right, in the main.

Hardesty says " "Mrs. Hardesty?" Rimrock stopped and looked down. Then he picked up his hat and made another false start for the door. "Yes, Mrs. Hardesty she came in last night. That lady that wore the tiger skin." "Oh!" said Mary and something in her voice seemed to stab him in the back as he fled. "Say, what do you mean?" he demanded, coming angrily back, "you speak like something was wrong.