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"That's very good of you, ma'am, I'm sure," answered the Inspector, unstrapping his notebook, "and I'll try and not detain you long. Now, then, tell me what you know of this sad affair ..." Mary Trevert plucked an instant nervously at her little cambric handerchief in her lap. Then she said: "I went to the library from the billiard-room ..." "A moment," interposed the Inspector.

Sam and Peter followed 'im out like lambs, 'ardly daring to look over their shoulder at Ginger, who was staggering arter them some distance behind a 'olding a handerchief to 'is face. "It's your turn to pay, Sam," ses Bill, when they'd got inside the next place. "Wot's it to be? Give it a name."

Sam and Peter followed 'im out like lambs, 'ardly daring to look over their shoulder at Ginger, who was staggering arter them some distance behind a 'olding a handerchief to 'is face. "It's your turn to pay, Sam," ses Bill, when they'd got inside the next place. "Wot's it to be? Give it a name."

She and you, Veronique, may see him frightful and welcome. There are other eyes make haste, girl. There another handerchief. Follow me not. And Madame de Selinville moved out of the room, past the great state bedroom and the salle beyond, to another chamber where more servants waited and rose at her entrance. 'Is any one with my father?

"I'm sure I don't know why I'm crying," she stammered, dabbing her eyes with her round moist ball of a handerchief. "I hope when I'm your wife I'll learn to be more self-controlled. But you know I am young, and you'll have to be patient." As once before at something Billy said, the world to William went suddenly mad.

"Don't cry," he repeated, and he waited helplessly. "He's dead. Dave was shot out West," she sobbed. "I told him I was coming back. He gave me his horse. Oh, how could you?" "Why did you come back?" he asked, and she shrank as though he had struck her but her sobs stopped and she rose to her feet. "Wait," she said, and she turned from him to wipe her eyes with her handerchief. Then she faced him.

Señorita, how will you know the body? Oh! let us make haste to leave here!" "Hush! do you see a white spot gleaming yonder? Nay, don't clutch my arm, it is only my handerchief. I laid it there to mark the place. Come on, step lightly, or you will press the dead." With some difficulty they made their way along the damp, slippery ground, now and then catching at each other for support.