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Mark Twain, Artemus Ward, and a dozen others, all trace their descent from him. But Haliburton's real object was intensely serious. He desired to awake Nova Scotians from their lethargy.

"'Keep your clapper shut, Hornblower, returned the Squire, telling Hornblower, how, if he doubted his capacity for the law business, he would read him Haliburton's opinions, and convince him that they precisely conformed with his.

As I passed into the conservatory later on Mr. Haliburton's arm I stole a glance towards the end of the room where this "somebody" had been standing, but he was gone. I need not have felt concerned and yet I did.

The Losing and Taking of Mansoul, or Lectures on the Holy War. By Alfred S. Patton, A.M. New York. Shelton & Co. The Big Bear of Arkansas, and other Sketches, Illustrative of Characters and Incidents in the South and Southwest. Edited by William T. Porter. Philadelphia. T.B. Peterson and Brothers. 12mo. $1.25. Judge Haliburton's Yankee Stories. A New Edition. Philadelphia.

Polly declared it was just like Haliburton's Latin conversation with the Hungarian minister, of which he is very fond of telling. "Quoene sit historia Reformationis in Ungariâ?" quoth Haliburton, after some thought. So was it that before Dr. Ochterlong came to the "success," or near it, Governor Gorges came to Dennis and asked him to hand Mrs.

At the termination of this line of fortification on the sea-shore, is a huge and uncouth black rock, which appears to have been formerly quarried for building stone, large quantities ready hewn being still scattered round it, and gathered in masses as if prepared for that use. 1 See Haliburton's "History of Nova Scotia."

But the caprices of the sex are past finding out: and I begin to think my mother was in the right; for doubtless women know women better than we can pretend to know them. Ingham and his wife have a habit of coming in to spend the evening with us, unless we go there, or unless we both go to Haliburton's, or unless there is something better to do elsewhere. We talk, or we play besique, or Mrs.

Williams did not think "Uphill Work" as good as "Tender and True," and it was hung up till circumstances most unexpectedly brought me to England, and I tried Bentley, and found that his reader approved, but wished me to change the name, as the first critic would say it was uphill work to read it. Then let it be "Mr. Haliburton's Will." That would clash with "Mrs Haliburton's Troubles."

Everett, who figures rather poorly in Judge Haliburton's pages. There was so little, however, of discriminating criticism at that time by American writers, that it is not easy to determine just how the book was measured by our countrymen. Probably it was hardly looked upon as literature by the scholar, and the ordinary reader did not mar his pleasure in the fun by looking at it too critically.

Judge Haliburton was an early convert; and in 1837 he makes 'Sam Slick' harp again and again on the necessity of railways. 'A railroad from Halifax to the Bay of Fundy' is the burden of many of Sam's conversations, and its advantages are urged in his most racy dialect. But the world laughed at Haliburton's jokes and neglected his wisdom.