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Why, I'd summing a Police Orficer, and have you took to the Station, just as soon as look at you...." It may be imagined here that Michael's voice rose to a half-shriek, following some movement of the Man towards him. "I would, by Goard! You try it on, that's all!" "Shut up with your row, you young ... No, master, I ain't molestin' of the boy; only just frightening him for a bit of a spree!

His name had been loudly called along the lower deck, before, casting his eyes below, having finished his work, they fell on her. She gave a half-shriek of terror as she saw him, quick as lightning, gliding down the rigging. He, in another moment, was by her side. A blush was on his manly cheek, as he took her hand and warmly pressed it. They talked earnestly for some time.

Nonna Lisa, the old Italian, slipped the white dress deftly over the mutinous head, so muffling the half-shriek. The manager laughed. "Hurry up then on with you!" The child sprang away with a bound. "I've seen this too many times before," he added; "it's an attack of 'the last night's nerves. Hark!"

Some youths and maidens were running merry races across the open space, and playing at hide and seek a little way within the duskiness of the ground tier of arches, whence now and then you could hear the half-shriek, halflaugh of a frolicsome girl, whom the shadow had betrayed into a young man's arms.

But every time he came near grandfather rushed before her, and he didn't want to catch back right away, neither did he want Bessy, whose half-shriek betrayed her whereabouts. Mrs. Leverett opened the door. "I think you have made noise enough," she said. People believed in the old adage then that children should "be seen and not heard," and that indoors was no place for a racket.

Not many mornings after, there was the sound of a strange footstep in Miss Slopham's kitchen, and Bridget emitted a half-shriek. "Mither of Moses! what's that?" It was Ogla-Moga, who had just arrived. His costume was an extraordinary mixture of blanket and trousers and coat, hardly consistent with the requirements of civilization.

"Have you no heart in your bosom that you can so treat the agony in my breast! My child who has in her veins the best blood in the State married to a to a what?" A clean, honest man, who loves her. Your daughter is very fortunate, Mrs. Deford." "Fortunate!" Her voice was a half-shriek. "She is disgraced and so am I. Who are his people?" She shuddered. "From what does he come?"

"I DON'T!" And with that his voice went to a half-shriek. "Maybe you think I'm down here f'r my health; maybe you think I come out f'r a pleasant walk in the woods right now; maybe you think I ain't seen no other lady-friend o' yours besides this'n to-day, and maybe I didn't see who was with her yes, an' maybe you think I d'know no other times he's be'n with her.

‘She’s the daughter of a member of parliament,’ said Maria.—Theodosius started. ‘And her name is—?’ he inquired. ‘Miss Brook Dingwall.’ ‘Great Heaven!’ poetically exclaimed Theodosius, in a low tone. Miss Crumpton commenced the introduction in due form. Miss Brook Dingwall languidly raised her head. ‘Edward!’ she exclaimed, with a half-shriek, on seeing the well-known nankeen legs.