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Hurrying to the lamp in front of the hack, with a feeling of sudden alarm, she lifted her hand so that the light could fall upon it. It was covered with blood! With a strong effort, she kept down the sudden impulse that she felt to utter a wild scream, and went back to Mr. and communicated to him the alarming fact she had discovered.

If he engages in controversy of any kind, his disciplined intellect preserves him from the blundering discourtesy of better, perhaps, but less educated minds; who, like blunt weapons, tear and hack instead of cutting clean, who mistake the point in argument, waste their strength on trifles, misconceive their adversary, and leave the question more involved than they find it.

Mine is a good, steady, useful hack, who trots along the high-road of life, keeping on his own side, and only stumbling a little now and then, when I happen to be careless, ambitious only to arrive safely at the end of his journey, not to pass by others. Why am I no longer ambitious? once I was, but 'twas when I was young and foolish.

I glanced about with some lack of confidence oppressing my spirits. But I had gone too far to retreat, and stepped into the hack. Instead of following, the guide closed the door gently; I heard him mount the seat by the driver, and in a moment we were in motion. Was I alone? I had expected to find the Unknown, but the dark interior gave no sign of a companion.

The English merchant, in his unassuming undress of a white jacket; the British naval officers, with their gay uniforms and careless manners, prying, with a sailor's curiosity, into every pretty face; and now and then a saucy mid, mounted on a hack, dashing between the line of carriages at a full gallop, disturbing their propriety, and checking the cavalcade, to the great consternation, real or assumed, of the ladies.

I have my Breton's hot head still, but my confounded legs are no good any longer." And he boldly challenged the clown to a duel, in which the latter was to have his legs tied, and then both of them were to sit on the ground and hack at each other with knives.

It was sooner than Betty expected her, but the clean, cool house, peeping out from the dense shadows of the maples, looked like a paradise to the tired, dusty woman, who rode down the street in the village hack and surprised Betty sitting in the back door cutting off corn to dry and talking to Uncle Billy, whose scythe lay on the grass while he drank from the gourd swimming on top of the water-pail.

At Fredericksburg the next morning Laine turned to the negro hackman, who, with Chesterfieldian bows, was hovering over his baggage and boxes, and made inquiries of the boat, the time of leaving, of a hotel, of what there was to see during the hours of waiting; and before he understood how it happened he found himself and his paraphernalia in the shabby old hack and was told he would be taken to the boat at once.

"No, sir, an English woman one of those people who do their day's work by night, and we are ordered to treat her as if she were madame. What can you have to say to such hack! Poor Madame, how she cried when she got into the carriage. 'Well, it has to be done! cried she.

My maid, whose head was always running on Martin, would come hack to my room, after delivering one of my lying excuses, and say: "You should have seen his face, when I told him you were ill. It was just as if I'd driven a knife into him." Everybody seemed to be in a conspiracy to push me into Martin's arms Alma above all others.