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"You know that just as well as I. Don't you remember the county surveyors told us so last year?" "An' you tink you goin' pull dat toboggan all way back wid you h'arm all bad an' you seek, lookin' lak' one ghosts! Excuse me, Monsieur Hugo, but you one beeg fool. My man Papineau 'e come back from de traps to-morrow an' heem pull de young lady 'ome wid de dogs. You no fit to go.

But here his thoughts were interrupted by Mrs. Papineau, who insisted on inspecting his wound again and made a wry face when she looked at it. "I beg you pardon for to tell de truth, Monsieur Hugo," she said, "but I tink you one beeg fool man for come here to-day. I tink maybe you get bad seek wid dat h'arm. You stay 'ere to-day an' for de night.

Suddenly her keen eyes caught something and she pointed with a finger. "Vat de mattaire vid you h'arm?" she asked, excitedly. "'Ow you get 'urted?" "Oh! That! That's nothing," he answered, drawing back. "'Tisn't worth bothering about. Good-night!" "You no be one beeg fool, Monsieur Hugo!" she ordered him, masterfully. "Now you sit down an' let me look heem arm right avay quick.

Ven de cole strike heem he get bad sure, dat h'arm." In spite of his objections she laid violent hands on him, insisting on pulling off his coat, whereupon a dark patch had spread. She also drew off the heavy sweater he wore underneath it, which was stained even more deeply.

"Saddle up, Eleazar," commanded Dunwody. "Get a doctor Jamieson from St. Genevieve as fast as you can. The lady's arm is broken." "Pardon, Monsieur," he began, "but it is far for St. Genevieve. Me, I have set h'arm before now. Suppose I set heem now, then go for the doc'?" "Could you do that?" demanded Dunwody. "Somehow, yes, me," answered Eleazar. Dunwody nodded.

"Ah, not well one wounded, one h'arm broke, one trench-fivver, but all safe, laz' account." "Tell me more about them, Beloiseau. You know I don't easily ask personal questions. Tell me all I'm welcome to know, will you?" "I want to do that to tell you all; but" M. Ducatel, next neighbor above, was approaching "better another time ah, Rene, tha'z a pretty warm evening, eh?"