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Guthrie's booth must have been at the west end, facing the Tolbooth, and the impotence of the authorities, thus compelled to look on while the apprentices and young men in their leather aprons, armed with the long spears which were kept ready in all the shops for immediate use, broke down the prison doors with their hammers and let the prisoners go free must have added a delightful zest to the triumph of the rebels, who had so lately pleaded humbly before them for the victim's life, but in vain.

We hear continually from our time-serving correspondent of Guthrie's 'public invective, of his 'passionate debates, of his 'venting of his mind, of his 'peremptory letters, of his 'sharp writing, and of his being 'rigid as ever, and so on.

There is no room for rhetoric on a finger- post; in a word, and, sometimes without a word, a finger-post tells you the right way to take to get to your journey's end. And many who have wandered into a far country have found their way home again under William Guthrie's exact marks, clear evidences, and curt directions.

In fact, she had said, with a smile, "It's rather amusing, isn't it, that Jervis should write to you, and Major Guthrie to me, by the same post?" But neither mother nor daughter had offered to show her postcard to the other. There was so little on them that it had not seemed necessary. Of the two, it was Mrs. Otway who felt a little shy. The wording of Major Guthrie's postcard was so peculiar!

The soft and misty sunlight only accentuated the amber tints that marked the dying fern. In the evening, unable to shake off the pensive mood into which the day had thrown him, he reached down Guthrie's Trial of a Saving Interest in Christ, and gave himself to serious thought.

"Perhaps that will be best," she said. "But of course there is no hurry about it. There will be certain formalities to go through, and meanwhile " Again she stopped speaking for a moment, then went on steadily: "A friend of Major Guthrie's one of his brother officers who has just come home from the Front is also to be married to-morrow.

The old lady was wearing a pale lavender satin gown, with a lace scarf wound about her white hair and framing her still pretty pink and white face. During the last few days the people who composed Mrs. Guthrie's little circle had been too busy and too excited to come and see her. But she thought it likely that to-day some one would drop in to tea.

We looked at each other in amazement at the revelation. "But what about Annie Grayson?" persisted Donnelly. "I have taken care of her," responded Kennedy laconically. "She is already under arrest. Would you like to see why?" A moment later we had all piled into Dr. Guthrie's car, standing at the door.

I always tell her that her mission in life is to run a creche or should be. Lawks! How she will envy me when I get that boy of yours to look after!" Guthrie's feet seemed to take tight hold of the ground.

She felt a hand groping towards her, and at last find and cover in a tight grip her fingers. "You do not fire bombs from a gun or from a pistol, my dearest." There was a great tenderness in Major Guthrie's voice. Even in the midst of her surprise and disarray at the extraordinary thing she had just heard, Mrs. Guthrie blushed so deeply that Mr. Reynolds noticed it, and felt rather puzzled.