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"I don't see why. If I have to owe the money to any one, I'd rather owe it to Davenant." "So should I." "Do you really want to marry him?" The question startled her. "Marry him? Who?" There was a look almost of humor in Guion's forlorn eyes. "Well, I didn't mean Davenant. I didn't suppose there was any "

In response to Guion's confidences he could only mumble something incoherent and pass on to the drawing-room door. It was a wide opening, hung with portieres, through which he could see Olivia Guion standing by the crackling wood fire, a foot on the low fender. One hand rested lightly on the mantelpiece, while the other drew back her skirt of shimmering black from the blaze.

Colonel Ashley will arrive in a day or two, and after I've seen him I shall be a little clearer as to what I think; and and then I shall see you again." He continued to stand gazing up the stairway long after he had heard her close the door of Guion's room behind her.

Fane required documentary evidence, Collins herself was in a position to supply it, through the kindness of her colleagues in Henry Guion's employ. Davenant listened in silence. "So the thing is out?" was his only comment. "It's out and all over the place," Drusilla answered, tearfully. "We're the only people who haven't known it but it's always that way with those who are most concerned."

Temple, so that it should synchronize with the wedding, but had introduced Olivia to Colonel Ashley, in the first place. Indeed, there had been a rumor at Southsea, right up to the time of Miss Guion's visit to the pretty little house on the Marine Parade, that the colonel's calls and attentions there had been not unconnected with Mrs.

Henry Guion's need struck him, therefore, as an opportunity. If he took other views of it besides, if it made to him an appeal totally different from the altruistic, he was able to conceal the fact from himself, at any rate in the depths of a soul where much that was vital to the man was always held in subliminal darkness.

Olivia Guion's friends, and Drusilla Fane's admirals, generals, colonels, ambassadors, and secretaries of embassy they apparently were, for the most part had what seemed to him an unwonted freedom of dramatic action. Merely to hear them talked about gave him glimpses of a world varied and picturesque, from the human point of view, beyond his dreams.

"I'm afraid, madame, that help is too far in the future to be of much assistance now. Besides, I'm not sure it's what they want. We've managed to keep Mr. Henry Guion out of prison. That danger is over. Our present concern is for Miss Olivia Guion's happiness." As he expected, the shock calmed her.

"The excitement kept him up at first. Now that that's over " Ashley interrupted her, addressing himself to Davenant. "I understand that it's to you we owe Mr. Guion's relief from the most pressing part of his cares." Davenant's face clouded. It was the thing he was afraid of Ashley's intrusion into the little domain of helpfulness which for a few days he had made his own.

The effort to withstand him would be worse than ineffectual, it would be graceless. In Miss Guion's eyes it would be a blunder even more unpardonable than that for which her punishment had been in some ways the ruling factor in his life. He was sure she would not so punish him again, but her disdain would not be needed.