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A girl like Miss McEachern couldn't have been happy with me. She wants one of these capable, energetic fellers." This struck him as a good beginning modest, but not groveling. He continued, tapping quite a respectably deep vein of philosophy as he spoke. "You see, dear old top I mean, sir, you see, it's like this. As far as women are concerned, fellers are divided into two classes.

"But not from the curse of a groveling, envious, unprincipled horde of office-seekers," said Azariah, casting a withering glance on the two brothers. "Away, brother!" cried Scribbo. "For why should we hear the abusive harangue of these overfed demagogues?" And away the patriots hurried with their complaint to the king.

As if he had said we shall suddenly enter into the full fruition of that glorious gospel kingdom, whose trump shall then begin, and continue to sound down to the remotest periods of that "last day" proclaiming the incorruptible resurrection of all the dead, and at the same time changing the living from the low, sorrowful, and groveling thoughts of earth to the sublime and joyful contemplations of "life and immortality brought to light through the gospel."

As he sped to its rescue he had an impression of the umbrella, handle up, filling with water like a large black bowl and Susan groveling in the ashes for her biscuits. "The tent's going," he cried back; "all your things will be soaked. Never mind the supper, come and help me."

He realized that the foul fiend had him by the throat, and undertook to cast him off; but all the time he knew that when the moon came, bringing with it the cadence of a song, he would go, even though his going led to perdition. And go he did, groveling in his misery.

He showed his skill by hitting each where he thought fit. The Pope and Lucrezia looked on applaudingly. Other scenes, not of bloodshed, but of groveling sensuality, devised for the entertainment of his father and his sister, though described by the dry pen of Burchard, can scarcely be transferred to these pages. The account is given by Capello, the Venetian envoy.

Some writers incline to the policy of rendering a true account of what they touch, but will restrain their pens from giving any notice of about one fourth of all they see, because they do not wish to pain the feelings of their readers by reciting to them narrations of horrible tragedies that occurred in the past, or of groveling superstitions that prevailed; such as we all wish had never disgraced the history of infant humanity or constituted the day-dreams of our ancestors.

To have money is nothing; the self-made man only finds out all that he lacks after six months of flatteries. Andoche Finot, the self-made man in question, stiff, taciturn, cold, and dull-witted, possessed the sort of spirit which will not shrink from groveling before any creature that may be of use to him, and the cunning to be insolent when he needs a man no longer.

But every now and then, through the stern gateways around us we caught a view of some neighboring majestic dome, sheathed with glittering ice, and displaying its white purity at an elevation compared to which ours was groveling and plebeian, and this spectacle always chained one's interest and admiration at once, and made him forget there was anything ugly in the world.

Their gaze fell upon the cringing figure over there, now groveling on the floor in the agony of a terror that severed all the restraining bonds that had held his tongue so long. They shrank back as their minds began to grasp the words he was shrieking in his madness. He was sobbing out the thing that each man there had suspected from the first!