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"We both hoped and feared, I think," Helena said. "I couldn't have gone stumbling on," Brown explained. "I should have had to dismiss the meeting, telling them I had a rush of blood to the head or to the heart!" At this moment he was helped out by the abrupt opening of the door beside him. A grimy-faced janitor looked in, wearing an expression of surly dissatisfaction.

William faced five little grimy-faced boys on the bench before him, showing wide unblinking eyes turned up in coldly rational interrogative stares, with a figuratively bulging she-bear in the retina of each, and it was too much for him. "We will pass on to the next verse," he announced, leaving the bear-expositor mystified, but in stubborn possession of his convictions.

For anything simpler than distributing a few footling books to a bunch of grimy-faced kids I can't imagine. Still, for some reason I can't imagine, I was feeling a little nervous, but now I feel fine, Bertie fine, fine, fine and I say this to you as an old friend. Because that's what you are, old man, when all the smoke has cleared away an old friend. I don't think I've ever met an older friend.

"Olsen, I waited for the draft just on account of my father. If it had not been for him I'd have enlisted. Anyway, I'm going to war." That silenced the little group of grimy-faced men. "Jerry, get our horses and we'll ride home," said Kurt. The tall foreman strode off. Kurt sensed something poignant in the feelings of the men, especially Olsen.

In the little blacksmith-shop a grimy-faced, leather-aproned man bent over a piece of glowing iron which he held in long tongs, and the red sparks radiated in showers as the hammer thumped dully on the soft metal thumps sharply punctuated by the clean ring of steel as the polished face of the tool bounced merrily upon the chilled surface of the anvil.

No one had noticed Betty's narrow escape, for all had been concerned with their own safety. Betty herself was inclined to minimize the danger, but Bob knew that she might easily have been drawn under the wheels by the suction, if not actually overtaken on the track. There was a crowd about the engine, and the grimy-faced engineer leaned from his cab, inspecting them impassively.

The two boys stood a moment taking stock of one another: Klaus grimy-faced and in working-clothes Peer weather-beaten and tanned by storm and spray. The manager of the factory was Klaus's uncle, and the same afternoon his nephew came into the office with a new hand wanting to be taken on as apprentice.

"Town"—it contained in all some two dozen buildingswas very unlovely in slumber. It sprawled in the lap of the prairies, a grimy-faced urchin, with the lines of dismal sophistication writ deep. Yet where in all the "health resorts" of the East did air sweep from the clean hill-country with such revivifying power? It seemed a glad world of abiding youth.

"Why, I was thinking of making a complaint against you for crossing my course that way. If I find my boat is damaged I shall certainly do so anyhow. Have we suffered any damage, Snuffin?" and he looked back at a grimy-faced mechinician who was oiling the big, throbbing motor, which was now running with the clutch out. "No, sir, I don't think we're damaged, sir," answered the man, deferentially.

The younger man had seized upon the bottle of brandy that had been left on the table, and was in the act of filling himself a second glass. Nothing could be further from the mind of either than a suspicion of the identity of this rustically-clad and grimy-faced fellow. "Mathilde will be here in a moment," said Caron deferentially. "She is seeking something for you."