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These plants make delicious greens, and even the tops of the ordinary market beets are good if properly prepared. Examine the leaves carefully to be sure that there are no insects on them; wash thoroughly in several waters, and put over the fire in a large kettle of boiling water.

Where else would one be likely to see prairie warblers, black-throated greens, and black-and-white creepers scrambling in company over the red shingles of a house-roof, and song sparrows singing day after day from a chimney-top?

There are also excellent fabrics reproducing old brocades and even old tapestries, but it is well to be careful about using these fabrics. There are machine-made "tapestries" of foliage designs in soft greens and tans and browns on a dark blue ground that are very pleasing.

Gray, blue and black shadows; elfin lanterns, "L" trains like illuminated caterpillars creeping over Wells Street, waterfalls of silver, Chinese writing in ruby; black, lead and silver windows and a thousand shades of darkness from bronze to strange greens. All these are things that the loitering ones leaning on the bridge rail know.

It was a new evening gown of the softest greens and shell-pinks, fit for a bride in her first season. To see the invalid, ashen-grey, stretching out her hand to finger it was almost more than George could stand. But Letty shook out the rustling thing, put on the skirt herself that Lady Tressady might see, and paraded up and down in it, praising every cut and turning with the most ingenious ardour.

And beyond, are great bunches of colour, red which mounts a quivering scale to salmon pink, blue which sails into tempered gray, greens dancing to the note of the forest. It is a nature's workshop, a laboratory where the rainbow serves, apprenticed. Jars, stone jars, little kegs, all ugly enough, are standing against the wall.

She was dressed in clinging blues and greens and she wore a silver turban. She leaned her hands on the railings she turned them out along the railings; they were slender and full of character not soft. Ben looked at the one nearest him. With hardly more than a turn of his head he could have kissed it.

Why, I feel quite well." She sat up in the bed. "Come and bathe my face, Rose. Do you know whether Madame Hébert has the recipe of this fragrant water? Mine is nearly gone. It is so refreshing." "I am quite sure she has. You have had no supper. There is some tasty meat broth." "I'm tired of pease and greens, and make-believe things that don't nourish you at all. And there was such nice fish.

We have been feeding heartily for many weeks on walrus, seals, wild-fowl, and last, but not least, on some grasses which make bad greens, but they have put scurvy to flight. All the men are well and strong and fit for hard work though nothing like what they were when we first came here. Could it be otherwise? There are some of us who will carry the marks of this winter to our graves.

Lamb's to buy ham, and she had no money, and he wouldn't let her have any." "And what became of your baskets?" "Oh, I got them, papa; I got cheaper ones; and Nora and I dressed them with greens. I had money enough." Mr. Randolph took his little daughter on his knee, and softly put down his lips to kiss her.