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'Mon, mon, that's apt to be dangerous. 'Nah then! cried the Cockney, reaching for his temperature-chart, 'we'll open the mornink proper with the 'Ymn of 'Ate. In cise you don't know the piece, m'lud, you can read it off your temperacher-ticket. Steady now everybody got a full breath? Gow!

Thus they finished the tragedy, having murdered four of the principal men in command in the ship, so that there was nobody now to oppose them; for Gow being second mate and gunner, the command fell to him, of course, and the rest of the men having no arms ready, not knowing how to get at any, were in utmost consternation, expecting they would go on with the work and cut their throats.

Abstracted from the bashful expression, which was that of the moment, the forehead of Henry Gow, or Smith, for he was indifferently so called, was high and noble, but the lower part of the face was less happily formed.

Mary Ellen was wild for a dance, she said. "Get up and 'ave a gow, then," encouraged Mr. Watlin, "you and 'Arry there!" But she, for some reason, would not, and Harry was not urgent. "I can play da fiddle a little," said Tony, as our artist paused for a rest. Mr. Watlin clapped him good-humouredly on the shoulder. "Go to it then, my boy, give us your little tune! I'm out of form tonight, anyw'y."

A great nation is made only by worthy citizens. Charles Dudley Warner Nothing is politically right that is morally wrong. O'Connor The noblest principle in education is to teach how best to live for one's country. G. T. Balch The good citizen will never consent that his voice and vote shall sanction a public wrong. A. M. Gow

J. J. Gow would come out first. He was, in fine, a half-back that the Q.P. had reason to feel proud. Half-backs might come and go as they undoubtedly did but Gow seemed in his football career to go on for ever. The most mysterious thing about him was that he was always in the same form, and never had any practice. Football at half-back seemed to come to him by nature, and cost him no effort.

Neither he nor Holden had known the old antipathy of Terry and Constantine Jopp. There was only one man who knew the whole truth, and that was Gow Johnson, to whom Terry had once told all. At the last moment Fergus had interpolated certain points in the dialogue which were not even included at rehearsal. These referred to Apollo.

On the 17th, in the morning, contrary to expectation, Gow himself came on shore upon the Calf Island , unarmed except for his sword, and alone, only one man at a distance, carrying a white flag, making signals for a parley. Mr. Fea, who by this time had gotten more people about him, immediately sent one Mr.

I had just concluded this operation when Tommy and our visitor reappeared the latter looking rather comic in a grey jersey, a pair of white flannel trousers, and an old dark blue cricketing blazer and cap. "I've been telling our friend Mr. Gow that he's got to sue these chaps," said Tommy.

"There's a big gun," said the clerk. Jared followed the other's quick nod. "Why," said Jared, "it's Doctor Doctor " "Dr. Gowdy," supplied the clerk. "The Rev. William S. Gowdy, D. D.," he continued, amplifying. "He's the king-pin." "The Rev. William S. Gow " repeated Jared. The title-page of Onward and Upward flashed suddenly before his eyes.