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Why, the three Cascades are three hundred feet long. Beautiful in the daytime as a dream of Paradise! fancy it in the evening when thousands and thousands of colored lights lend their glowin' charm to the seen. Why you almost cover your eyes from the bewilderin' glory on't.

Allowin' the smart ones to show off their smartness to the best advantage. Awakenin' a spirit of helpful emulation in the more backward and sluggish of 'em. Yes, the light from this big house-warmin' she knew would penetrate and glow into the darkest corners of the earth, and, like a great warm sun, bring forth a glowin' and never-endin' harvest of blessed results.

Them diamonds seemed to be the mates of the ones that had burned on her finger ever sence a day or two after they met at the World's Fair. So you see, though she gin her jewels away in her youth, she found 'em agin in her ripe, sweet womanhood. She gin away the jewels of her ambition, her glowin' hopes and desires, for a career, and she found 'em more than all made up to her.

But yet, I have seen them that this mind cure religion had fairly riz right up, and made 'em nigher to heaven every way so nigh to it that seemin'ly a light out of some of its winders had lit up their faces with its glowin' repose, its sweet rapture. I've seen 'em, seen 'em as the Patent Medicine Maker observes so frequently, "before and after takin'."

Sez I, "The glowin' mist that wrops her round fades away under the magnifyin' lights of them specs, Josiah Allen." He had took his hat off to cool his forward, and I sez further "Romance and bald heads don't go together worth a cent, and rumatiz and azmy are perfect strangers to her. Romance locks arms with young souls, Josiah Allen, and walks off with 'em."

But I shall always believe that she wuz put up to it by the Tarquin boys. I never liked 'em they wuzn't likely. But the picter is a sight dretful big and skairful. And in that section is a beautiful picter by Fritz Uhele, whose figgers, folks say, are the best in the world. "The Angels Appearing to the Shepherds." Oh, what glowin' faces the angels had!

I could see by the faint light in the west that there wuz considerable of a hill on the east of me, and as my weepin' eyes wuz lifted in that direction my heart almost stood still as I beheld all of a sudden a glowin' star of light shine out of the darkness right on the top of that hill and rapidly desend in my direction nearer and nearer. Oh, joy! oh, bliss! it wuz my own pardner with a lantern.

I took my glass and looked close sparkle, sparkle, up came the tiny thought sparks! But I wuzn't wise enough to read the glitterin' language. No I wuzn't deep enough. It would take a deep mind, mebby thousands of feet deep, to understand the great glowin' secret that it has been a tryin' to reveal and couldn't.

By windin' passages a-windin' through groups of fairy-like beauty and grandeur, you at last come out into the principal chamber, and here indeed you did feel that you wuz in the Garden of the Gods, as you looked round and beheld with your almost dazzled eyes the gorgeous colors radiatin' from the crystals, and the gleamin' and glowin' fancies on every side of you. And I sez to Josiah

"I hain't asked you to, Josiah, but," sez I dreamily: "I would love to git some slips of them fuchia and begonia trees, and that jasmine," sez I, pintin' up to the emerald waves of foliage enriched by them I have named, and as many other glowin' with perfume and beauty as there are stars in the heavens, or so it seemed to me. Sez I: "What a show I could make in Jonesville with 'em."