United States or El Salvador ? Vote for the TOP Country of the Week !

His enthusiasm oozed away when he reflected over his ignorance and incompetence; and he gloomily recalled his repeated failures. But necessity faced him; and opportunity knocks but once at every door.

"I am afraid so." "If he is left without resources, what will he do?" "I dare not answer that question to myself." "But he must be drawn out of that life, he must come back to us, or he will have nothing left." "And nothing else left to him," Chesnel said gloomily. But Mlle. Armande as yet did not and could not understand the full force of those words.

Sparsit, 'these plain viands being on table, I thought you might be tempted. 'Thank'ee, Mrs. Sparsit, said the whelp. And gloomily fell to. 'How is Mr. Harthouse, Mr. Tom? asked Mrs. Sparsit. 'Oh, he's all right, said Tom. 'Where may he be at present? Mrs. Sparsit asked in a light conversational manner, after mentally devoting the whelp to the Furies for being so uncommunicative.

But what would you say to a German cannon twelve miles away landing ten shells in succession on a battery half as big as this stable without even being able to see the thing they were shooting at?" "I give up," said Charlie gloomily. "Old man Dowd was SOME liar, but, my gosh, he couldn't hold a well, my respect for the American Army is greater than it ever was, I'll say that, Captain.

Ever since the death of M. le Comte de Pastourelles, dreams concerning these two people had been stirring in the brain of Watson, and these dreams spoke now in the dark eyes he bent on Fenwick. Presently, Fenwick began to talk gloomily of the death of his old Bernard Street landlady, who had become his housekeeper and factotum in the new Chelsea house and studio, which he had built for himself.

It did not astonish Mizraim that Nahoum had kept all this secret. That crime should be followed by secrecy and further crime, if need be, seems natural to the Oriental mind. Mizraim had seen removal follow upon removal, and the dark Nile flowed on gloomily, silently, faithful to the helpless ones tossed into its bosom.

"She's on her way out here to inspect a ranch which doesn't exist!" I sat for a full minute gaping into Dinky-Dunk's woebegone face. And still again I had considerable thinking to do. "Then we'll make it exist," I finally announced. But Dinky-Dunk, staring gloomily off into space, wasn't even interested. They had stunned the spirit out of him. He wasn't himself.

"We're finished, as far as the contest is concerned," said Agony gloomily. Sahwah turned her back sharply and winked her eyes hard to keep the tears from falling. She had worked so hard to build Many Eyes, and here was all her work gone for nothing, all on account of that fiendish goat! "Somebody will have to go and tell the Scouts that we withdraw our entry, I suppose," said Migwan.

Kit crossed the floor and put his hand on his father's arm. "Thanks; I think I know what this means to you. It will cost me something; but I must go." He went out and Peter sat still, looking gloomily at the fire. He felt old and knew he would be very lonely soon.

"But if they don't," said Andrew McKittrick gloomily, "who is going to pay for that carpet?" This was an unpleasant question. The others shirked it. "I was always opposed to this action of the session," said Alec Craig. "It wouldn't have hurt to have let the woman speak. 'Tisn't as if it was a regular sermon." "The session knew best," said Andrew sharply.