United States or Madagascar ? Vote for the TOP Country of the Week !

Every now and then either of us would pull up a great pink slab-sided schnapper, a glistening silvery mullet, or a white-bellied whapuka; we were in a good pitch, and the fish were biting freely. Our minds were relieved from the anxiety of a possible shortness of provisions. The scenery around us is truly magnificent, if only it were possible to describe it.

"Chinatown yes," said Sowerby, his red face glistening with excitement; "but why look for Mr. King in Chinatown?" "Because," replied Dunbar, lowering his voice, "Mr. King in all probability is a Chinaman." "Who says so?" demanded Stringer. "Max says so..." "MAX!" again Stringer beat his fist upon the table. "Now we have got to it! We're working, then, not on our own theories, but on those of Max?"

It had evidently meant to grab him, to engulf him utterly and forever in the first rush; but something some unlooked-for lift of a wave or turn of the bird had made the shot miss, or nearly miss, so that the bird had been hit by the bloated six-footer's nose, instead of being crushed in its teeth its terrible long and glistening array of murderous teeth.

One morning he came hurriedly to Margaret at her house, and announced with glistening eyes that his ray had now gone to a greater degree into the earth than man had ever yet reached. "What have you found?" she asked, excitedly. "Rock, rock, rock," he answered. "This little State of ours rests upon a firm foundation."

Over its wide stone shelf were the words CAMP KEEWAYDIN traced in small, glistening blue pebbles in a cement panel. Although the day was hot, a small fire of paper and pine knots blazed on the hearth, crackling a cheery welcome to the newcomers as they entered.

"I am working on that now," said Mr. Chadwick. "I'll have it ready in a week." "We'll be ready for you," promised Jack. A week later to the day on a sunshiny, windless morning, the Wondership was run out of its shed, glistening with new paint and with every bit of bright work burnished till it shone and sparkled like newly-minted silver.

He handed the fiddle over. "Here's the little thing that'll let you do the trick. Isn't it a beauty, Jethro Fawe?" The Romany took it, his eyes glistening with mingled feelings.

I have seen a school of fish beating the surface of the quiet sea into a thousand glistening splashes, as in vain they attempted to escape their restless pursuers, who, floating through the air above them, or plunging madly down, belaboured the water with their wings, and kept up a deafening chorus of gleeful screamings. These seas carry almost everything that the salt ocean waters can produce.

Nothing in animal physiognomy can be more hideous than the countenance of this creature when viewed from the front; the large, leathery ears standing out from the sides and top of the head, the erect spear-shaped appendage on the tip of the nose, the grin and the glistening black eye, all combining to make up a figure that reminds one of some mocking imp of fable.

Lovely as was the scene in the fresh morning air, with the glistening snow, the dark pines on the lower hills, the blue lake, and the greyish upland, they did but serve to frame the picture of the Patriarch as he sat upon the bench in the front of the hotel.