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How we did pore over that road map, trying to make up our minds where to go! Nyoda wanted to go to Cincinnati and Gladys wanted to go to Chicago, and the arguments each one put up for her cause were side- splitting. Finally, they decided to settle it by a set of tennis. They played all afternoon and couldn't get a set.

Gladys was ill so Miss Templeton informed him at the same time begging him, if he really had any regard for Miss Martin, not to ask to see her for the next few days; and to this request Hamar, seeing no alternative, was obliged to assent. Shortly after he had gone, Shiel Davenport called, and found Gladys alone in the garden.

I could see that as a woman he could hardly tolerate her, but he could not bring himself to condemn her even to me. He hardly knew yet what he had to forgive: neither he nor Gladys had any real idea of the treachery that had separated them. Max would not stay many minutes, he was so afraid of Miss Darrell coming into the room again. I did rather an imprudent thing after that.

'I don't know anything about them. If that is true, it is still kinder of them to think of such a poor girl as I. To the astonishment of Gladys, Walter broke into a laugh, not a particularly pleasant one. 'Six months after this you'll maybe take a different view, he said shortly. 'Why, Walter, what has come to you? You have so many moods now I never know quite how to talk to you.

Over there, in the automobile, were his father and mother, Mr. Wheeler in the driver's seat. A line of motors stood along the siding. He was the first soldier who had come home, and some of the townspeople had driven down to see him arrive in his uniform. From one car Susie Dawson waved to him, and from another Gladys Farmer. While he stopped and spoke to them, Ralph took his bags.

The world was something more to me than a happy hunting-ground, life more than an exciting adventure. The world was the home of Gladys Todd; life was to win her love; happiness was to sit at her side. And now I was sitting at her side in a seventh heaven; in one of the silent places of the seventh heaven, for we had little to say to each other.

She must have purposely loitered on her way downstairs, hoping to annoy me. He would spend an anxious day, for I knew he was very uncomfortable about Gladys: perhaps he would write to Dr. Townsend. It was no use speaking to Miss Darrell: she was only too ready to thwart me on all occasions. I would take the matter into my own hands.

As for Gladys, herself, she, too, was sad at leaving Marjorie, but she was so full of wonder and curiosity about the new home they were going to, in the land of flowers and sunshine, that she was fairly impatient to get there. "Just think, Mopsy," she said, as the two girls sat together at the party feast, "the roses out there are as big as cabbages, and bloom all the year round."

'She has something on her mind. 'Has she never said anything yet to you about where she was, or what she was doing, all the time she was lost? asked Gladys anxiously. 'Naething, answered Teen, with a melancholy shake of her head. 'But I think it's on that she's thinkin', an' whiles I dinna like her look. 'I'm going to speak to her myself about it, Teen.

I determined to speak out boldly what I had to say. 'Mr. Hamilton, I said quickly, 'I have seen Gladys. I am quite shocked at her appearance: she certainly looks very ill. If you will allow me, I should like to remain and nurse her. 'But you must allow no such thing, Giles, interfered his cousin sharply. 'I have always nursed poor dear Gladys myself, and no one understands her as I do.