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"Good-bye, Margerison." Denis was grave, embarrassed, restrained, and not unkind. It was obvious that he had nothing to say about it all. Peter left the Ca' delle Gemme. That afternoon Hilary received a note from Lord Evelyn.

E' questo il premio d' ogni mia virtute? Ove son or le mie purpuree veste? Ove son or le gemme e le ricchezze? Ove son or gi

A hundred and twenty miles in one night should settle the matter so far as this old rattletrap is concerned." "Of course we'll pay you, doctor," said Winter. "That's more than Hilton Fenley will ever do, I'm afraid." Tom tickled his scalp under his cap. "Mr. Hilton gemme a fiver," he said rather sheepishly.

"Yes. Cold air froze it." "Can't start it?" "Nope. Let it stand here till summer. One those hot ole August days'll thaw it out awright." "Goin' let it stand?" "Sure. Let 'er stand. Take a hot thief to steal it. Gemme taxi." The man in the tall hat summoned a taxi. "Where to, mister?" "Go to Nolak's costume fella." Mrs.

He shook hands with them both again, possibly to make up for Cheriton, who did not shake hands at all, but stood with his own in his pockets, leaning against the wall, his eyes still on Peter's face. "Queer manners you have, dear Jim," was what they heard Lord Evelyn say as they stepped into the Ca' delle Gemme gondola, that was taking them back to the Rio delle Beccarie.

Hilary and Peter gondoled to Lord Evelyn Urquhart's residence, a rather exquisite little old palace called Ca' delle Gemme, and were received affectionately by the tall, slim, dandified-looking young-old man, with his white ringed hands and high sweet voice and courtly manner.

One those hot ole August days'll thaw it out awright." "Goin' let it stand?" "Sure. Let 'er stand. Take a hot thief to steal it. Gemme taxi." The man in the tall hat summoned a taxi. "Where to, mister?" "Go to Nolak's costume fella." Mrs. Nolak was short and ineffectual looking, and on the cessation of the world war had belonged for a while to one of the new nationalities.

In the morning, about eleven o'clock, Peter went to the Ca' delle Gemme. That had to be done, so it was no use delaying. He asked for Lord Evelyn Urquhart, and supposed that the servant who showed him in was astonished at his impudence. However, he was permitted to wait in the reception-room while the servant went to acquaint Lord Evelyn with his presence.

He was a stable man, and perhaps it is only the stable who are really susceptible of help, thought Peter vaguely. At seven o'clock Peter and Leslie went to the Ca' delle Gemme. They found Cheriton there. Cheriton was talking when they arrived, in his efficient, decisive, composed business tones. Lord Evelyn was pacing up and down the room, his fine, ringed hands clasped behind his back.

Till it appeare to whom this gemme was meant, Deare Madame, be you treasurer. I confesse I have wealth enough in such a noble husband. La. It shall belong to thee; be honest, Dorothy, And use him well. Do. With my best study, Madam. La. Where is the footman you talke of? Tho. He pretended Letters to carry two mile of to a kinsman of his Masters, and returne presently.