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They pull out of their gauntlets and leggings without the least hitch; nothing is torn, nothing buckled; the outer skin is not even crumpled, and all the tissues remain in their natural position. The insect is now hanging from the dome of the cover solely by the claws of the long hind-legs. It hangs in an almost vertical position, the head downwards, swinging like a pendulum if I touch the cover.

Huge spurs, having two-inch rowels, were held in place by buckskin straps, on which, also, were silver buckles. Protecting his hands were heavy buckskin gloves, also waterproof, having wide, black gauntlets. Each dainty hock of his dainty eight-hundred-pound buckskin pony was black, and a black star graced its forehead.

A laugh rippled down the ranks of the other companies; even the spectators smiled, and something sounded like swearing by the Adjutant and Sergeant-Major. Alspaugh lifted his plumed hat, and wiped the beaded perspiration from his brow with the back of one of the yellow gauntlets.

Literally, one that rescues from difficulty. Kamachara is explained by Nilakantha thus, although in other places it bears a quite different meaning. Krita attack; Pratikrita warding it off; Sankata clenched. Some texts read Sankatakais. The meaning then would be 'cased in gauntlets.

"I didn't think of it before thank you," said the Little Doctor, lightly, and hurried away to put on her blue riding habit with its cunning little jockey cap which she found the only headgear that would stay upon her head in the teeth of Montana wind, and which made her look-well, kissable. She was standing on the porch drawing on her gauntlets when Chip returned, leading Concho by the bridle.

Claiborne sheathed the sword, placed it on the table and folded his arms. "Yes; they are very interesting." "And those ribbons and that cloak, I assure you they are of excellent quality. Oscar, put a blanket on this gentleman's horse. Then make some coffee and wait." As Oscar closed the door, Armitage crossed to the table, flung down his gauntlets and hat and turned to Claiborne.

As he was doing so, General Hill, who had himself been exposed to the fire of the North Carolinians, reached the scene, and, throwing himself from his horse, pulled off Jackson's gauntlets, which were full of blood, and bandaged the shattered arm with a handkerchief. "General," he said, "are you much hurt?" "I think I am," was the reply, "and all my wounds are from my own men.

He was clad in his plain, well-worn gray uniform, with felt hat, cavalry-boots, and short cape, without sword, and almost without any indications of his rank. In these outward details, he differed much from Generals Jackson and Stuart, who rode with him. The latter, as was usual with him, wore a fully-decorated uniform, sash, black plume, sabre, and handsome gauntlets.

"I thought maybe y'u might want to ride with us." "But he can't ride. He couldn't possibly. It would kill him," the girl broke out. "I reckon not." The man from the Shoshones glanced at his victim as he drew on his gauntlets. "He's a heap tougher than y'u think." "But it will. If he should ride now, why It would be the same as murder," she gasped. "You wouldn't make him ride now?"

"In good faith, no," said Henry, shaking his head: "my experience has been in donning steel gauntlets on mailed knights, more than in fitting embroidered gloves upon maidens." "I will trouble you then no further, and Dorothy shall aid me, though there needs no assistance; my father's eye and fingers are faithful to his craft: what work he puts through his hands is always true to the measure."