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Shall I ring the bell for you, and perhaps" hesitating a little, as though she were taking a liberty "you will allow me to go as far as the hall-door with you." But to her alarm the old man suddenly stood still. It was pitchy dark under the overhanging trees, and only a faint gleam from a large bow window showed her the length of the garden-path that they would have to traverse.

Once during the day he met her in the garden-path, and said, turning a reproachful eye upon her, 'Do you promise, Lizzy? But she did not reply. The evening drew on, and he knew well enough that Lizzy would repeat her excursion at night her half- offended manner had shown that she had not the slightest intention of altering her plans at present.

It was the stalwart figure of John Grant in his broad-brimmed straw hat and heavy boots striding up the garden-path with his scythe over his shoulder. This apparition, try as he might, would not down at his bidding. "Think of that young fellow," he kept repeating to himself.

And, besides," she added, with a little hesitation, "I don't wonder that the master wants Archie for his own sake." "A sensible-like lassie, that," said the master to himself, looking at her with some such curiosity as he would have looked at a strange beetle in his garden-path, "that is wise like." "Yes, if the master thought about Archie, as you do," said Mrs Blair.

While he pondered, stabbing the turf with his heel, Molly came limping along the garden-path. Her face was white and drawn. She had been writing for two hours at her father's dictation, and came now for rest to the seat which she and Hetty had in former days made their favourite resort. Seeing it occupied, she paused in the outer shade of the great branches.

Oh, I am anxious on his account: be quick, that you may get there in time!" The two walk stealthily and rapidly down the garden-path. Osman listens to their retreating footsteps, and, as they die away in the distance, he draws a breath of relief. They are good, zealous servants, and will obey his instructions faithfully.

The bell was broken, of course; the court, or garden-path, was mouldy, weedy, seedy; there were some dirty rocks, by way of ornament, round a faded glass-plat in the centre, some clothes and rags hanging out of most part of the windows of New Molloyville, the immediate entrance to which was by a battered scraper, under a broken trellis-work, up which a withered creeper declined any longer to climb.

Therefore they are skilled in the choice of easy routes through the mountains, and once having made the choice they stick to it until through certain narrow places on the route selected they have worn a trail as smooth as a garden-path.

Yourii unconsciously looked at her round, soft shoulders, feeling instantly confused, and she, aware of his glance became confused also, although it was pleasant to her. "Let us go." Regretfully they returned along the narrow garden-path, each brushing lightly against the other at times as they walked.

She had, perhaps, received a severe punishment for so slight a negligence, but the reader may rest assured that the boat was always locked thereafter when Gypsy had anything to do with it. "Gypsy! Gypsy!" "What's wanted?" "Where are you?" "Here." "I don't know where 'here' is." "Well, you'll find out after a while." Winnie trotted along down the garden-path, and across the brook.