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The fastidious travelled eye appraised the rich rugs and hangings, the massive "suite", the delicately-furnished bed, and took in the general air of warm luxury and unstinted comfort, even before it fell upon Rose herself Rose, fat and fair, and the picture of content, sitting in the softest of arm-chairs, and the smartest of gowns and slippers, by the brightest of wood fires, with a tableful of new novels and magazines on one side of her, and a frilly cradle on the other.

Beside her flew a little white dove, the Princess Maya, and Daimur could see that she was a golden-haired young girl, all dressed in white frilly lace. He asked them to be seated and have some biscuits and water, which though poor fare was at least wholesome and nourishing.

"I can't see how you do it on the money," he was contending one evening. He opened his mouth to speak further, then closed it and for five minutes thought with knitted brows. "Say," he said, "what's become of that frilly breakfast cap you was workin' on so hard, I ain't never seen you wear it, and it was sure too big for the kid." Saxon hesitated, with pursed lips and teasing eyes.

She took off her things, washed off the dust, and changed into the black-and-white barmaid's costume, fastening the frilly apron, the cuffs, the delicate fichu with mechanical care. She put on the silk stockings and the buckled shoes and the tiny cap. Then she went into her sitting-room, chose the most dignified chair, folded her hands in her lap, and waited for Dickie.

The pinafores and jackets that had been bathed in goldfish-and-water were hung out to dry, and then it turned out that Jane must either mend the dress she had torn the day before or appear all day in her best petticoat. It was white and soft and frilly, and trimmed with lace, and very, very pretty, quite as pretty as a frock, if not more so. Only it was NOT a frock, and Martha's word was law.

Oh, heavens, I never had such tennis. Oh, Peter, when you stood there at the net and just curved your hand like a cup" Alix gave an enthusiastic imitation- "and over she went, and game and set!" Cherry, sinking white and frilly into a chair, smiled indulgently. The walk had given her a wild-rose colour, and even Alix was struck with her extraordinary beauty.

After seeing his sister depart, he returned to the library and, before settling himself in a chair, sent a summons to Flea. When the girl appeared, Horace rose and cast smiling eyes of approval over her. "That's a mighty pretty dress you have on," said he. "Was it Sister's idea to put that lacy, frilly stuff on it?" Flea crimsoned at his praise, as she nodded affirmation.

In her frilly white cap, her trim black gown, her immaculate collar and cuffs and apron, Julia looked distractingly like the young person who, in the old days of the furniture-dusting drama, was wont to inform you that it was two years since young master went away all but her feet. The feather-duster person was addicted to French-heeled, beaded slippers. Not so Julia.

Perhaps if you'll come and look I shan't have to say much." She led her to a window that looked on the garden, the rich, vivid, flower-crowded garden of Southern California by the sea. Little Ilda, in a fresh black frock and snowy, frilly cap and apron, ran out to get a rose; and while she sniffed and dallied they saw Mr. Mathew saunter out and join her.

I believe it would make even the Graf say something. But I won't do anything so unlike, as Frau Bornsted would say, what a junges Madchen generally does, but go to bed instead, into the prettiest bed I've slept in since I had a frilly cot in the nursery, all pink silk coverlet and lace-edged sheets.