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Oates mouthed the name. "The Queen's confessor. I was spit upon by him at St. Omer, and would waipe out the affront. A dog of a Frainch priest! A man I have long abhaarred." "So also have I." Prance had venom in his level voice. "But he is no Frenchman. He is English as you a Phayre out of Huntingdon." The name penetrated Lovel's dulled wits. Phayre!

He does spik already Frainch like a Parisien young gentleman!" Then Dr. Byram managed to get in a word or two and gathered more or less information with regard to prices. "It ees a pension serieux; my clientele ees of ze best, indeed a pension de famille where one ees at 'ome."

"Dthat ees more your rôle, for if you pairmeet me to listen to your so beautiful Eenglish, I must learn much. But you will let me spik to you a leedle in Frainch, mademoiselle? Dthere air zome dthings I cannot say in Eenglish." We stop at the vessel's side, and in a glance across to Mrs. Steele I see her looking with wide-eyed amusement and a dash of concern at my companion.

We have at ze moment a family Americaine who learn of my husband Frainch " Here the poodle growled at Dr. Byram and was promptly cuffed by his mistress. "Veux tu!" she cried, with a slap, "veux tu! Oh! le vilain, oh! le vilain!" "Mais, madame," said Hastings, smiling, "il n'a pas l'air tres feroce." The poodle fled, and his mistress cried, "Ah, ze accent charming!

"You air not Frainch?" he asks with a scrutinising side glance out of his fine eyes. "I am happy to say that I am an American, and so are my ancestors for three hundred years." "Naixt to dthe Frainch, dthe American ladies air most beautiful, charmante and clevair, but you haf chic, and more dthings; you might be angry I vould say.

Here all spik Angleesh, c'est a dire, ze personnel; ze sairvants do spik, plus ou moins, a little. I am happy to have you comme pensionnaires " "Madame," began Dr. Byram, but was cut short again. "Ah, yess, I know, ah! mon Dieu! you do not spik Frainch but you have come to lairne! My husband does spik Frainch wiss ze pensionnaires.

Und dat go on der whole day, noddun else, noddun aber der Frainch schell, b-r-r, b-r-r b-r-r, b-r-AM, und der smoag, und unzer batterie, dat go off slow, steady, yoost like der glock, eins, zwei, boom! eins, zwei, boom! yoost like der glock, ofer und ofer again, alle der day. Den vhen der night come dey say we hev der great victorie made. I doand know. Vhat do I see von der bettle? Noddun.

"Ah, mademoiselle, look at me more, I am in nodthing like Jhermans." I could see the tall young stranger was a bit distressed that his Teutonic cast betrayed him. "My fadthur was Jherman my modthur is Castilian, my home is Lima, I am Peruvian, but I am educate in France. I am cosmopolite. And you air Frainch?" "I wonder where Mrs. Steele is?"