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One great toe protruded from the upper of one of Hiram's shoes. Uncle Sebastian saw it twitching. "You're foreclosin' on me?" The words came slowly and with a hollow gulp. Uncle Sebastian's lips went straight and hard. "Unless ye'll deed th' place to me, Hiram."

"This mortgage of Old Man Dale's now you figurin' on foreclosin' if he can't pay?" "Whadda you know about Dale's mortgage?" "I heard Lanpher yawpin' about it. He talks too loud sometimes, don't he? You gonna foreclose on him, I suppose?" "Like that!" Luke Tweezy snapped his teeth together with a click. "But foreclosing takes time. You can't sell a man up the minute his mortgage is due.

"We've talked the matter over too many times for me to misconstrue your motives. You're thinkin' that I'll amount to somethin' if I get away from here." "I reckon ye've said it, Hiram." Uncle Sebastian voiced this with great relief. "And you're foreclosin' on me to force me to go." "Eggzackly, Hiram. I'm proud that ye interpret my motive." Hiram was silent another long minute.

Well, of course, the old Colonel got away with the jury, and then yer maw found out that he'd bought the mortgage; an' about the time it was due he come up here, as smooth as butter, an' offered to give her this little patch o' boulders an' let her move the house onto it, an' give her share 'nough in the cañon to irrigate it, if she'd deed him the rest o' the land, an' save him the trouble o' foreclosin'. So she done it.

Foregatherin', for foreclosin'. Preparin' to curse and quit. That beautiful river we came up today, What superfine farms it has on both sides of it, hain't it? it's a sight to behold. Our folks have no notion of such a country so far down east, beyond creation most, as Nova Scotia is.

I told ye, ye needn't worry that I wouldn't foreclose that I wasn't speculatin' when I lent th' money on th' place. Jest th' same, Hiram, I'm foreclosin' on ye." Uncle Sebastian eyed the young man keenly. The first shock past, Hiram seemed now to be turning the matter over with just deliberation. "I reckon I know what you're up to, Uncle Sebastian," he said at last.

Fore gatherin, for foreclosin. Preparin to curse and quit. That beautiful river we came up to day, What superfine farms it has on both sides of it, hante it? its a sight to behold. Our folks have no notion of such a country so far down east, beyond creation most, as Nova Scotia is.

"You see, he wa'n't but about twenty-one or two then, and he was allus a mighty high-strung boy; and then Eliphalet did act putty ha'sh, foreclosin' on Eph's mother, and turnin' her out o' the farm, in winter, when everybody knew she could ha' pulled through by waitin'. Eph sot great store by the old lady, and I expect he was putty mad with Eliphalet that night."

Afther th' war our brave fellows come back to Boston an' as a reward f'r their devotion got a vote apiece, if their wives had kept th' Pilgrim fathers that stayed at home fr'm foreclosin' th' morgedge on their property. An' now, be hivens, they want to share with us what we won. "Why, they wudden't know how to vote. They think it's an aisy job that anny wan can do, but it ain't.