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Of this fact the reprint of the libretto as used at Prague and Vienna contains no mention, but a foot-note gives other stage directions which indicate how desirous Mozart was that his ingenious and humorous conceit should not be overlooked.

But a foot-note is given to the rule for the position of the mouth which shows how thoroughly the mechanical rule was subordinated to considerations of tone quality. "As there is no rule without exceptions, we think it useful to observe at what opening of the mouth the pupil produces the most agreeable, sonorous, and pure quality of tone in order to have him always open the mouth in that manner."

In writing to Thompson, Spedding says of Tennyson on a certain occasion: “I could not get Alfred to Rydal Mount. But when we read the following foot-note by the biographer, “He said he did not wish to intrude himself on the great man at Rydal,” we accept the incident as another proof of thathumilitywhich the son alludes to in his preface as being one of his father’s characteristics.

Compare foot-note, preceding page. Nelson. Lady Nelson. Morrison, vol. ii. p. 137. On the 21st of September, 1802, six months before Hamilton's death, he was still £1,200 in Nelson's debt. Morrison, No. 684. Ante, p. 43. From Mr. G. Lathora Browne's "Nelson: His Public and Private Life," London, 1891, p. 412. Naval Chronicle, vol. xxxvii. p. 445. Life of Rev. A.J. Scott, D.D., p. 191.

A foot-note in the newspaper merely stated the manner in which the document had been obtained for publication, and repeated the announcement contained in the editor's introductory remarks, that no continuation had been found by the persons intrusted with the care of Monsieur Foulon's papers. I have now given the whole substance of what I read, and have mentioned all that was then known of Mr.

Once I timed him, and found that he was on the wing for a few seconds more than a minute. Still further to corroborate my "pet theory," I may say here in a foot-note, what I have said elsewhere with more detail, that before the end of the following month the hermit thrushes, the olive-backed thrushes, and the gray-cheeked thrushes all sang for me in my Melrose woods.

I'll write out the recipe as soon as I get back from my geometry recitation, and add a foot-note, explaining about the sugar." Somehow it was hard for Mary to keep her mind on lines and angles that next hour. She kept seeing a merry group in the Wigwam kitchen.

They are now printed, in the fine type of the Maitland Club, in four portly quartos, under the title, Wodrow's Analecta. Few books would hold out so much temptation to a commentator, but their editor is dumb, faithfully reprinting the whole, page by page, and abstaining both from introduction and explanatory foot-note. Perhaps in the circumstances this was a prudent measure.

It is usually claimed that one may learn much of the rise of Gothic sculpture by studying the models in the South Kensington Museum. In a foot-note to such a statement in a book edited by Ruskin, the indignant editor has observed, "You cannot do anything of the kind. Pisan sculpture can only be studied in the original marble: half its virtue is in the chiselling!"

"We call him 'Boots' for short; a sort of a last name." Amy chuckled gleefully. "What's the joke?" asked Clint. "Didn't you get it? Last name; see? 'Boots' last!" "Oh!" "Thank you! I was afraid I'd have to explain it for you in a foot-note." "What's he do? Coach the second?" "He do. And he's a mighty nice chap, 'Boots' is. The fellows were quite crazy about him last year. He did good work, too.