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Potts laid before the Philanthropic and Humane Society, of which he was an honorable and honorary member, his "plan for the amelioration of the condition of no-tailed horses in fly-time, by the substitution of feather dusters for the natural appendage, to which are added some hints on the grafting of tails with artificial scions, by a retired farrier in ill health."

You know what luck is at cards, how it shifts, now this way, now that, like a cow's tail in fly-time, and I hain't the least doubt but with that half dollar you'll win back all your money, and your watch too." The offer was kindly meant; and it encouraged a little spark of comfort in Frank's heart. To win back his losses that was his only hope. He took the money, silently pressing Seth's hand.

I'm allus pretty much fussed up by my bus'ness and kept cross-grained all the time by havin' to handle so many blasted fool woodsmen, and the man that meets me for the first time might natch-rally think I was uglier'n a Injun devil in fly-time which I ain't, Parker, No, I ain't I want you and me should be good friends and bus'ness men together, which we ain't been so far, all on account of a misunderstandin'. Now, you're goin' to find me square and honest and open."

But while I was under that quilt, I found that I did not admire the Sophomores at all, any more than I did the Seniors who then had me in their power. The enemies of freedom, in College, had a great triumph the other evening. One of them, in one of the Literary Societies, read an Original Poem, the title of which was, "The Fly-time of Freedom."

I got fifty dollars more'n I expected when I sold out the mill, an' I laid it out for extras for mother an' me; bought her a sofy an' stuffed rockin'-chair, a new set of dishes, an' some teaspoons, an' some strainers for the windows agin fly-time.

There, during fly-time, the doe and her baby were often to be found; and to see him promenading up and down the hard sand, with his mother looking on, was one of the prettiest sights in all the wilderness.

If I was you I wouldn't be too cock-sure that kid don't give Inglesby his, some of these days, good and plenty." "Maybe so," said I, cautiously. "Gee, that'd be fly-time for all the good guys in this tank, wouldn't it?" he grinned. "Sure!

Her very clothes smelled of food; and it was said that, in fly-time, it was a sight to see her walk abroad, because of the hordes of insects settling here and there on her odoriferous gown. When Johnnie Veasey appeared, Mattie's soul rose in arms. Their golden chance had come at last.

"Not I," said the American, answering for himself; "I was, though, down there when I got in." "Hah! broke in," cried the captain sharply. "That I didn't. I found the door open when I left the berth where I lay down when I first came aboard. Pretty sort of a thick-headed chap it was who stowed that cask. Made me mad as a bull in fly-time.

The colt, shaking itself, turned and nipped at its shoulder and switched its tail. "He's stayed fat, too," continued Williams. "But look at him! He's bitin' and switchin' because he's wet. Thinks it's fly-time a'ready. He's jest a four-legged horse-hide blunder. I know his kind." Collie, dismounting and unbuttoning his slicker, rolled it and tied it to the saddle. "I guess you're right, Brand.