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Make it tell the secret now we shall know about the swamp. Here is a fiend throttling me oh, its awful eyes, they blaze like two marsh fires. No, tie him to the wall; he shall tell the truth or die. What are you giving me to drink? it is blood, blood. You have poisoned me I burn, burn my veins are full of boiling lead my heart a boiling cauldron.

"It would take Oedipus himself all his time to do that," said Gervase, forcing a laugh which had no mirth in it, for he was conscious of a vaguely unpleasant sensation a chill, as of some dark presentiment, which oppressed his mind. "When you know I do not believe in the soul, why do you talk to me about it? The soul of a fiend, the soul of an angel, what are they?

In an instant the fiend in the girl woke again. "Do you expect me to believe that?" she hissed in a whisper, "after doing your best to cut me out with Jim Denton?" She glanced at the girl with a perfect storm of fury in her eyes, but Faith's glance did not waver; she only shook her head sadly.

He scowled at her like a perfect fiend, and said that he and his uncle would answer her question together some day, if they came from hell to do it. We laughed at his words, but the lady fainted at his looks, and we had a scene of hysterics and hartshorn in consequence.

A single wild glance revealed to her appalled senses Gaut Gurley, clenching his smoking rifle, and, with the look of an exulting fiend, glaring out from behind a tree, towards his prostrate, convulsed, and dying victim.

Not so, said the fiend, this man that lieth here dead was come of a great lineage. And there was a lord that hight the Earl de Vale, that held great war against this man's nephew, the which hight Aguarus. And so this Aguarus saw the earl was bigger than he. Then he went for to take counsel of his uncle, the which lieth here dead as ye may see.

I looked to see my lady run, shrieking; indeed, I called to her to go; but she stood fast as if her terror had frozen her; and so it was her candle that lighted the grim vault for the duel. As you will know full well, I was not minded to give this thrice-accursed fiend more than the gentleman's chance I had promised to give him.

Dreadnought, or 'I am Giant Despair; and, since this beautiful saint bears a sort of dish, make her 'Mrs. Creature Comfort. But look here," he continued, "a whole set of devils; are these to be painted up?" Bateman attempted forcibly to shut the book; Sheffield went on: "St. Anthony's temptations; what's this? Here's the fiend in the shape of a cat on a wine-barrel."

The woman, having gone in first, told the fiend of their coming; and he, thinking to slay and eat them, called them to him; so they entered the cave, which reeked with the smell of the flesh and blood of men, and they saw Shudendôji, a huge monster with the face of a little child.

Heathcliff is not a fiend," she says; "'he has an honourable soul, and a true one, or how could he remember her?" It is the same insight that made George Meredith represent Juliana, the sentimental passionist, as declaring her belief in Evan Harrington's innocence while Rose Jocelyn, whose love is more spiritual and therefore more profoundly loyal, doubts.