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"That's a pity; for as I think a week's shooting once a year quite enough, I fear that your visit to me at Fernside may not be sufficiently long to put your hand in." "Fernside!" "Yes; is the name familiar to you?" "I think I have heard it before. Did your lordship purchase or inherit it?" "I bought it of my brother-in-law.

Some of the names M. Zola, having now made progress with his English, could readily understand; others, too, were virtually French, such as Bellevue, Beaumont, and so forth; but there were several that I had to interpret, such as Oakdene, Thornbrake, Beechcroft, Hillbrow, Woodcote, Fernside, Fairholme, Inglenook, etc.

Schwartz the cooper's wife was telling you that day when we went into her house out of the rain after our long walk from Fernside." "What! has that pretty, fair, round rosy-cheeked German woman a romance in her life?" asked Annie Bowers. "I declare I've often thought there must have been some kind of sentimental recollection in those great dreamy blue eyes.

"Blockhead! what the deuce was the good of speaking about it when I was wrapped in flannels! I am never in love when I am ill who is? I am well now, or nearly so; and I've had things to vex me things to make this place very disagreeable; I shall go to town, and before this day week, perhaps, that charming face may enliven the solitude of Fernside. I shall look to it myself now.

While Sarah was yet speaking, he rushed from the house, he flew to Lord Lilburne's in Park Lane; he composed his manner, he inquired calmly. His lordship had slept from home; he was, they believed, at Fernside: Fernside! H was on the direct way to that villa.

While Sarah was yet speaking, he rushed from the house, he flew to Lord Lilburne's in Park Lane; he composed his manner, he inquired calmly. His lordship had slept from home; he was, they believed, at Fernside: Fernside! H was on the direct way to that villa.

Beaufort had never seen Philip Morton more than three times; once at Fernside, and the other times by an imperfect light, and when his features were convulsed by passion, and his form disfigured by his dress.

Occupied with this thought, and weary of waiting the result of our advertisement, I resolved to go into the neighbourhood of Fernside; luckily, there was a gentleman's seat to be sold in the village. I made the survey of this place my apparent business.

Robert Beaufort, in examining the papers of the deceased, chanced upon a document so important to him, he abstracted or destroyed it. Who has purchased the house you lived in?" "Fernside? Lord Lilburne. Mrs. Robert Beaufort's brother." "Humph probably, then, he took the furniture and all. Sir, this is a matter that requires some time for close consideration.

"Your father is coming back, this day this very hour; and you you child you, Philip " Here sobs broke in upon her words, and left her speechless. The letter that had produced this effect ran as follows: TO MRS MORTON, Fernside Cottage. "DEAREST KATE, My last letter prepared you for the news I have now to relate my poor uncle is no more.