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"Your principal, Prince," answered Casalverde, coldly, "is unable to proceed, seeing that his right arm is injured." "My son, sir, fences as readily with his left hand as with his right," returned old Saracinesca. Del Ferice's face fell, and his smile vanished instantly. "In that case we are ready," returned Casalverde, unable, however, to conceal his annoyance.

If this really happened, he earned the man's eternal gratitude; if not, he foreclosed indeed, but the loser never forgot that by Del Fence's kindness he had been offered a last chance at a desperate moment. It could not be said to be Del Ferice's fault that the second case was the more frequent one, nor that the result to himself was profit in either event.

The young man felt little suspense indeed, for he knew how matters must turn out, and that he should be saddled with another contract. But he found it hard to wait with equanimity, now that he had made up his mind to the worst, and he resented Del Ferice's rudeness in not giving a civil warning of his intended journey.

Secondly, because in doing business with Andrea Contini and Company we have been dealing with the only really honest and economical firm in Rome." Orsino smiled vaguely, but said nothing. He had not much faith in Del Ferice's flattery.

He had also the key to Del Ferice's lodgings, of which he promised himself to make some use, as soon as he should be sure that the detectives had left the house. In the first place he made up his mind to leave Donna Tullia in ignorance of his master's sudden departure.

She sent down to Del Ferice's lodgings, as Temistocle had anticipated, and the servant brought back word that he had not seen the Neapolitan, and that the house was held in possession by strangers, who refused him admittance. Madame Mayer understood well enough what had happened, and began to tremble for herself.

But the case is serious, as you will see. It involves my life, perhaps for many years to come. "I am completely in Del Ferice's power. A year ago I had the possibility of freeing myself. What do you think that chance was?

She seemed to avoid even the grey houses where they might have met on neutral ground, and Orsino saw that his only chance of finding her in the world lay in going frequently and openly to Del Ferice's house. He had called on Donna Tullia after the dinner, of course, but he was not prepared to do more, and Del Ferice did not seem to expect it.

Things looked very black indeed, and Del Ferice's bank had refused to discount any more of Prince Montevarchi's paper. "And we must have money to-day," Contini concluded. When he had finished speaking his excitement disappeared and he relapsed into the utmost dejection. Orsino remained silent for some time and then lit a cigarette. "You need not be so down-hearted, Contini," he said at last.

"Ah, but you did it, dear, all the same," she said, and kissed him. On the following evening, without any warning, old Saracinesca arrived, and was warmly greeted. After dinner Giovanni told him the story of Del Ferice's escape.