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Nobody could keep political office if he tried to keep his constituents from food and cash and adventure even by proxy when they send expendable Cousin Albert out to see if he can make a living there. We've got to take reasonable precautions against germs, of course. We'll have trouble enforcing them. But we'll manage!" Al called down from the control-room.

I didn't instruct her to obey only instructions by me, Mike, because we are all expendable now." As he finished speaking, the intercom went dead. Obviously the communications officer, as his first act, had turned off the central intercom power system under his control.

The Department of Transportation will help an expendable launch services industry to get off the ground. We'll soon implement a number of executive initiatives, develop proposals to ease regulatory constraints, and, with NASA's help, promote private sector investment in space.

He went off to his hotel-room and was out cold before his head had drifted down to its pillow. But he was not pleased with himself. It annoyed him that his revolt against being an expendable employee had taken the form of acting like one of his former bosses in collecting ruthlessly for the brains in the case of Jones and the neurotic idiosyncrasies in the case of Dabney of other men.

It's either perfectly safe or we're all dead anyhow. Frankly, I think it's safe. It feels right outside, Jed! It honestly feels right!" "I'll come with you," said Cochrane, "Jones and the pilot are necessary if the ship's to get back to Earth. But we're expendable." He went back to the control-room. Johnny Simms zestfully undertook to outfit them with arms. He made no proposal to accompany them.

"Dammit, why did you do that?" von Schlichten demanded, lifting his foot from the gun-pedal. "Are you afraid of the kind of popguns those geeks are using?" "I am not afraid to risk my vehicle, or myself, sir," the lieutenant replied, with the extreme formality of a very junior officer chewing out a very senior one. "I am, however, afraid to risk my passenger. Generals are not expendable, sir."

We may never be able to get off the planet with this ship again, but we aren't supposed to anyway. "Come on, Multhaus, don't worry about it. I know you hate to burn up a ship, but this one is supposed to be expendable. You may never have another chance like this." Multhaus tried to keep from grinning, but he couldn't. "Awright, Commander. You have appealed to my baser instincts.

Next, Augustus found more horseshoes than his papers called for. "That man gif me der stomach pain efry day," wailed Schmoll to Sergeant Casey. "I tell him, 'Lieutenant, dose horseshoes is expendable. We don't acgount for efry shoe like they was men's shoes, und oder dings dot is issued. 'I prefer to cake them cop! says Baby Bismarck. Und he smile mit his two beaver teeth."

"Men are expendable," Porter snapped. "The nation's safety is not." Again Crane glanced around. "Are the Russians really that far ahead?" Porter's eyes narrowed just a shade. "The Russians? Did you listen to the tape you mentioned?" "Only sketchily. I assumed " "The danger is far greater. A Senatorial committee was briefed on the thing.

The Department of Transportation will help an expendable launch services industry to get off the ground. We'll soon implement a number of executive initiatives, develop proposals to ease regulatory constraints, and, with NASA's help, promote private sector investment in space.