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Sometimes he might have been found shaping the mullions of a country mansion, sometimes setting the parapet of a town-hall, sometimes ashlaring an hotel at Sandbourne, sometimes a museum at Casterbridge, sometimes as far down as Exonbury, sometimes at Stoke-Barehills.

I have only once heard from him since he went to India. I daresay you have heard him speak of me Mr. Knight, who became acquainted with him some years ago in Exonbury. 'Ay, that I have. Stephen is very well, thank you, sir, and he's in England; in fact, he's at home. In short, sir, he's down in the vault there, a-looking at the departed coffins. Elfride's heart fluttered like a butterfly.

The social lift that the two women had derived from the alliance was considerable; but when the exhilaration which accompanies a first residence in London, the sensation of standing on a pivot of the world, had passed, their lives promised to be somewhat duller than when, at despised Exonbury, they had enjoyed a nodding acquaintance with three- fourths of the town. Mr.

The old man still insisted that this was going too far. 'No, no, it isn't, said Jim. 'I know how to manage her. 'Twill just mellow her heart nicely by the time I come back. I must bring her down real tender, or 'twill all fail. His senior reluctantly gave in and returned to Margery. A short time afterwards the Yeomanry hand struck up, and Jim with the regiment followed towards Exonbury.

After writing this she went to the garden, where Bob was shearing the spring grass from the paths. 'What is John's direction? she said, holding the sealed letter in her hand. 'Exonbury Barracks, Bob faltered, his countenance sinking. She thanked him and went indoors. When he came in, later in the day, he passed the door of her empty sitting-room and saw the letter on the mantelpiece.

But what would be the result if, eighteen months hence the date at which her occupation of the house in Exonbury Crescent came to an end she were still a widow, with no accumulated capital, her platform talents grown homely and stunted through narrow living, and her tender vein of poesy completely dispersed by it?

It was the Baron's who, according to the sworn information of the gardener at Mount Lodge, had made Margery his wife. The carriage having vanished, the dairyman gazed in the opposite direction, towards Exonbury. Here he beheld Jim in his regimentals, laboriously approaching on Tony's back. Soon he reached the forking roads, and saw the dairyman by the wayside. But Jim did not halt.

Vine, moistening the end of a new pipe in his perry. 'I can call at her grammer's for her 'twill be all in my way. Margery duly followed up her intention by arraying herself the next morning in her loveliest guise, and keeping watch for Mr. Vine's appearance upon the high road, feeling certain that his would form one in the procession of carts and carriages which set in towards Exonbury that day.

Altogether mother and daughter appeared to be a typical and innocent pair among the genteel citizens of Exonbury.

It was said that the yacht was bound for Algiers. When the inimical autumn and winter weather came on, Margery wondered if he were still alive. The house being shut up, and the servants gone, she had no means of knowing, till, on a particular Saturday, her father drove her to Exonbury market. Here, in attending to his business, he left her to herself for awhile.