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Philip, the cook and hunter, did not always accompany the boys on shooting trips, as the half-breed had joined Ewen and Miller in the work on the well. The airship was safely housed, as if for the winter. The third week in September came in with a lessening in the daily sunshine.

It was nearly the end of August when these plans had been worked out and with the setting up of the Gitchie Manitou in its novel aerodrome and the storing away of its oil and gasoline in a little bark lean-to, the camp appeared to be ready for serious work. For a week Ewen and Miller had been setting up the wood boiler and engine for operating the derrick.

"Do you know what's the matter with him, Pat?" continued Ewen. Pat McCann, the faithful friend and shadow of young Pickles, after studying the attitude and motions of his friend, gave answer: "It's the preacher, I guess. He's kiddin' the kids inside. He's some kidder, too," he said, moving to take his place beside his friend. "What's he doing anyway?" said Ewen. "I'm going to see."

"And it's somewhere between two hundred and fifty and three hundred miles between here and the land office," exclaimed Norman. "It would be interesting to know whether he has gone," answered Colonel Howell. "Why not ask Miller or Ewen?" broke in Roy. "They might know something about him." Colonel Howell shook his head: "They'd better know nothing about the letter," he answered at last.

Ewen Cameron was protected, and his son has now a farm from the Laird of Col, in Mull. The family of Col was very loyal in the time of the great Montrose , from whom I found two letters in his own handwriting. The first is as follows: 'Sir,

You promised father and mother to look after me, Uncle Ewen, and it isn't looking after me " "You can't reproach me on that score as much as I do myself!" said Ewen Hooper, with emotion. "There's something in that I admit there's something in that." He began to pace the room.

When the controlled gas had been piped into the cabin, in spite of the cold weather, Ewen and Miller at once went to work building a new derrick near the best prospect and sledging the boiler and engine to that location. In this work nearly a week went by, the boys finding little to do. The weather seemed settled into a cold spell in which the thermometer ranged at noonday about twenty below.

A woman with the wisdom of a rabbit, and the feelings of a mule! And don't hold your finger up at me, Master! You know you can't suffer fools at all either gladly or sadly. Now let me go, Grace! or I shan't be fit for church." "A very pretty creature!" said Ewen Hooper admiringly "and you look very well on her, Constance."

So he had held aloof, and as Constance resentfully remembered she had received but two letters from him since her father's death. Ewen Hooper, with whom he had an academic rather than a social acquaintance, had kept him generally informed about her, and he knew that she was expected in Oxford.

Boggs, rather sullenly. "Yes, he is that, Mr. Boggs, he is that," said Nathan. "But he likes to be the big toad in the puddle," said Ewen. "Well, he certainly seems to, he does indeed, Ewen." Clear over the droning there arose at this point another sound, a chorus of childish laughter. "That's the preacher's class," said Boggs. "Quare sort o' Sunday School where the kids carry on like that."